29: 20 Questions

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Today was Violet's first day at her new school

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Today was Violet's first day at her new school. Grace had to walk past Violet's house to get to the school so Grace told Violet that she would walk with her so she doesn't get lost. Violet had finished getting ready a bit earlier today. Violet headed downstairs to go get some breakfast before she went upstairs and FaceTimed Lucy.
"Morning, Vi!" Lily says as Violet enters the kitchen. "How are you feeling about today?"
"I'm feeling good. I am a bit nervous but overall I am really excited." Violet says as she makes a bowl of cereal before turning to look at Lily.  "Is it okay if I go upstairs and FaceTime Lucy?"
"Of course. Just don't forget that Grace will be here in half a hour." Lily tells her.
"I won't." Violet says.
"Okay I'm off to work I will see you later. Enjoy your first day." Lily tells her before leaving.
Violet heads on up to her room and starts eating her cereal quickly while she turns on her laptop and goes onto zoom and calls Lucy who picks up after 3 rings.

"Hey Vi!" Lucy says.
"Hey Luc! Seeing as you are ahead of my time how was school?" Violet asks.
"It was good. How are you feeling are you nervous to go to your new school?" Lucy asks back.
"A little bit but I am mostly excited." Violet answers.
"How many people do you think are going to recognise you?" Lucy questions.
"I have no clue but I don't think that many people are." Vi responds.
"I think loads of people are going to recognise you. You better call me later and tell me how many people recognise you." Lucy tells her.
"Okay don't worry I will. I better go." Violet says putting her bowl on the beside table.
"Okay. Talk to you later." Lucy says.
"Talk to you later." Violet says before hanging up.

Violet shuts down her laptop and closes the lid before grabbing her bag, phone and the bowl she had the cereal in and going downstairs. Violet puts the bowl in the sink before grabbing her drink out of the fridge and putting it into her bag as she does that there is a knock on the door.
"Come in!" She calls knowing it was Grace.
Grace opens the door as Violet walks into the living room.
"Hey Violet." Grace says.
"Hey Grace." Violet replies putting her shoes on.
After Violet had got her shoes on they leave the house and start walking to school.
"So how are you feeling?" Grace asks.
"Nervous but mostly excited." Violet answers.
"Should we play 20 questions to get to know each other better?" Grace asks.
"Yeah sure." Violet says.
"Okay first question what's your middle name?" Grace asks.
"Actually it's Grace." Violet says with a laugh.
"Wait really." Grace also says with a laugh. "So let me get this straight your full name is Violet Grace Toretto?"
"Yeah that's my full name. Whats you middle name?" Violet asks.
"Brooke. So I'm Grace Brooke Wilson." Grace answers.
"That's a really pretty name." Violet tells her.
"Awe thanks your names pretty as well." Grace says.
The pair continue to play 20 questions until they get to the school.

After school Violet, Grace, Emily and Sophia all go to the park near to the school to hangout.
"So Violet, do you have any new songs in the works?" Emily asks as her and Violet are on the swings and Grace and Sophia and sitting down on the grass I front of them.
"Yes. I've got a whole notebook of songs I want to release. And before you ask if you can look no you can't. Even though you guys are now my friends I can't give you any spoilers." Violet says.
"I still can't get over the fact that we are friends with a famous person." Sophia says leaning back on her hands.
"I am still just a normal teenage girl but people I don't even know, know me. That's the only difference." Violet says.
"That's true." Grace says.

After a couple of hours they all go home.
"Hey Vi! How was you first day?" Lily asks as Violet entered the house..
"It was good." Violet says. I"s it okay if I go upstairs for a little while?"
"Of course. You don't need to ask that." Lily tells her.
"Okay." Violet says before going upstairs.

The rest of Violet's evening is spent on FaceTime with all her friends from America, Paris and England. She has dinner before getting ready and going to bed.

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