Imagine 2

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A/N: sorry I haven't been updating. its just that things have been quite hectic recently.I joined a sports team and homework and sleep is hard to balance etc. I haven't had time to check this over so if there's mistakes I apologize

"You're going to pay for trying to cross me" the disgusting pirate, Blackbeard, who had been holding you captive, shouted. "We'll send her to Neverland!" he yelled looking at his crew. "Pan will probably kill her" he said laughing. You've heard of Pan a few times before and he didn't seem exactly like a delightful person. You felt a sharp pain in your head before you blacked out.


You wake up to find yourself in the middle of a forest. The last thing you can remember is Blackbeard ordering his crew to bring you to neverland. You got up. Your head was pounding. "Well I guess he got what he wanted" you said to yourself starting to walk. You soon see a group of boys dancing around a fire. They looked to be Lost Boys from what you've heard Blackbeard describe. You didn't get too close to the camp to be seen but close enough so you could see them. You heard this music that was amazing. You almost wanted to join the group but you didn't.

The music stopped suddenly but all of the boys kept dancing. "Not going to join?" you hear a voice behind you ask. You turned around to see an attractive boy. "Who are you?" you asked kind of scared of the answer. "I'm Peter, Peter Pan" He said with a smirk."WELL SHIT!" you thought. You backed up a step. "Ah, so you've heard of me? The infamous Pan" he said. "Not going to introduce yourself?" he asked. "Y/n" You replied. "So, Y/n why are you in neverland?" he asked stepping closer making you take a few steps backward. "Blackbeard..." you said not sure if you should tell him about the whole "Pan is gonna kill you" thing. He once again stepped forward and you stepped backwards. "Why so scared ,love?" he asked. "Never said I was scared" you replied. "don't need to say it, your actions show it"  he took a step forward but this time you didn't move. "What makes you think so formidable about me?" You just gave him an uneasy look. "He made you think I was gonna kill you didn't he?" he asked smirking "OH SHIT HE'S SMIRKING HE THINKS IT'S FUNNY TO KILL ME" you thought. You just gave a small nod, looking down. "You are aren't you?" you asked looking up. "Though my reputation is probably intmidating to you, I have no need to kill you" he said casually. 

He grinned devilishly. He did some weird magic gesture and you felt yourself drifting to sleep.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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