He Saw Me

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No one POV:

Shin was running through the alleyways, dodging everything in his way while 3 guys 2x his size are running after him. "Damn it! Get back here, you little shit!" Shin rolled his eyes and jumped over a garbage and stepped on a piece of glass. He ended up cutting his foot because he lost his shoes but he had no time to think about that. He instead grabbed the glass and got into a crouch position. He also cut his hand but he didn't mind right now. He needed to finish these guys off. If he didn't they would spread his face around the town. That couldn't happen. If the Agriche family found out he was an assassin they would kill him or make him leave. 

He hid behind the garbage he jumped over and was waiting. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Shin could hear them coming from the distance and he smirked. 'Got'em...' They got close... really close. Shin jumped out from behind the garbage and swung the knife like glass. He got two of the guys throat while the other dodged. If missing one of them wasn't enough, it started pouring. 

"Shit..." Shin liked the rain, yes, but it could make it harder to move around in. He gritted his teeth and jumped up as high as he could and kicked the third guy in the face. He fell and held his face. Shin dropped down on his and kicked him in the face again then grabbed the knife and slit his throat. "Haaa... piece of shit." He pushed the hair out of his face to reveal his bright purple eyes and sighed. 'I have to get back to the Agriche mansion.' He stood up and started to walk away completely unaware that he was being watched this entire time.

Time skip~~~ next morning at the Agriche mansion.

Shin POV:

I woke up and immediately felt a sting in my hand and foot. 'Ah... my wound must have reopened.' I sigh and get out of bed. 'Today I have to serve tea to Lady Roxanne and Young Master Jeremy.' I frown and redo my bandage and change clothes. I'm wearing a regular butlers outfit with a white under shirt. I put gloves on but they were white so I had to be careful. I walk out of my room and I'm met with Lena. Lena is the maid that told me about the Agriche family. I smiled at her. "Good morning Miss Lena." She smiled as well. "Good morning Shi- oh... I mean hello Shiro." Shiro is the name I use at the Agriche mansion. My father is a well known assassin and I don't know if people know about his son, aka me. 

Lena and I were walking down the hallway when I noticed it was time for me to serve tea to Lady Roxanne and Young Master Jeremy. For being siblings of the Agriche family, those two are really close. Roxanne has the butterflies and Jeremy is a complete psycho siscon. 'Who would have thought that those two would get along so well after Asil died.' I smirked and walked away from Lena. I start walking towards the kitchen to get the tea and snacks. When I leave I have two maids with me helping with the many snacks and tea cups we have.

We got to the room and I saw the maids start to sweat and get nervous. I smile at them. "I will be the one filling the cups okay. Don't worry about a thing." They nodded and took a deep breath. I walked in the room and put tea cups in front of the two Agriche siblings. Jeremy looked at me with a scowl while Roxanne had her usual smile. She looked at me and put her tea cup down. "What is your name?" I bow and smile. "My name is Shiro, Lady Roxanne." She smiled at me and pointed to my hand. "You should get that checked out... Shiro." I look at my hand and frown before looking at her and smiling again. "Yes... thank you for telling me, Lady Roxanna." She nodded and continued to talk to Jeremy while slowly sipping her tea. I leave the room and sigh with a frown. 'Damn.'

My ankle starts to hurt more as I walk to my room and I start limping because no one is near me. I step on my foot wrong and I need to lean on the wall a bit. "Why are you limping?" I freeze. 'Why is he here?' I get off the wall without looking at him. "I got into a small accident while going to the market last night... Young Master Dion." I stand up straight and was about to walk away when Dion started talking again. "Oh? Then... what about your hand?" I looked down at my hand. I was about to turn around to face him but when I did he was right in front of me. Just a few inches away. He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me into the nearest wall, putting his hands on both side of me preventing me from getting away. 

"Well...? What happened?" I looked up at him and smiled. "I cut my hand on some broken glass." Dion nodded. 'Why is he acting like this...? Or does he always act like this?' Dion brought his hand up in front of my face and I closed my eyes expecting to be struck by a blow. But what he did was move the hair out of my face. When I opened my eyes confused he looked a little taken aback before he switched to his usual expressionless face. We stayed like this for a while before we heard the tapping of shoes. I looked over while Dion still stared at me and saw it was Lena. "Ah... Young Master Dion and... Shin- ah I mean Shiro!" My eyes widen as I look at her. She looks scared. 'Damn it Lena!' Dion looked at her then back at me. "M-master requested to see you." Dion still looking at me started to speak. "My father would like to see me?" Lena bowed again and nodded. Right before Dion left he leaned forward and put his lips to my ear. "Shin..." My eyes widen as a shiver runs up and down my back. He smirked at my reaction and walked away with Lena.

I put my hand to my ear as I let out a shaky breath. "What... the hell just happened?" I stood up and walked away. 'Better not to think about it. For all I know, he treats everyone like this.' I shake my head and smile. I start walking towards my room again without any distractions. 

Time skip~~~ nighttime - finishing the day

I was in the kitchen cleaning the rest of the plates when the head butler came in. "Shiro..." I look over at the scared head butler and I smile. "Yes?" He looks down with a sad expression. "Dion has asked for you to come to his room." My eyes widen. "Did he say why?" He shook his head. "He would like you as soon as you finish." I sigh and nod.

I am heading to Dion's room with a single question on my mind. 'Why did he call for me?' I don't know why he called for me specifically. I don't know what I did that made me stand out to him. Did I even do anything or is it just today that he's calling for me? I shake my head and sigh. I put on my usual smile and stand in front of his door. I knock on the door and hear a small 'come in' before opening the door and heading in. When I get inside I see Dion in a loose robe with a towel in hand drying his hair. My face gets hot and I bow. "You wanted to see me, Young Master Dion?" He looked at me and pointed towards a bottle of wine. "Get two glasses and pour you and I a glass of wine." I raise a brow but do as he asks. 

When I pour the wine he reaches his hand out and I give him a glass. He sits on the bed and I stand. I take a sip of the wine and my eyes widen. 'Poison!?' I was about to spit it out when Dion puts his hand to my mouth. "Swallow." I spend a few more seconds trying to get his hand off but eventually swallow it. "Don't worry its not lethal." He smirks at me as my legs give out. He catches me. "You just wont be able to move your legs for the next few hours." He throws me on the bed and sits on top of me, holding my arms above my head. "I saw you..." I look at him confused. "What did you see, Young Master Dion?" He smirked again and showed me pictures of the three guys I killed a few nights ago. My eyes widen and his smirks grows. I try to get my hands free but he just holds harder and leans close to my face. 

"What's your motive...? You're not here to just work as a butler right?" I smirk and look at him. "And if I am?" His brow raises and he stares at me for a second before I sigh and look to the side.. "I'm not lying. I have no reason to." I look back at him but when I look at the position were in and what he's wearing my face goes red and I look away again. "Umm... before we continue this... interrogation, could you please..." He looks at me confused and my blush deepens. "Please put some clothes on..." His eyes widen and he smirks while leaning closer. "Why...? Hmm? What's the matter?" I squeezed my eyes shit and held my breath. I sat there for a second before I felt the weight on top of me disappear. I opened my eyes and saw he was walking to the other side of the bed. He lays down and closes his eyes. "We'll continue this tomorrow."

My eyes widen. "B-but what about me!? I can't stay here!" He opens his eyes and looks at me with a smirk. "You can't?" I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He closes his eyes again and I let out a huff. 'What the hell is happening? I thought for sure he'd kill me but... he's letting me sleep in the same bed as him!? Is he crazy!?' I shake my head and sigh. 'This is giving me a headache.' I yawn. I look over at Dion and sigh again. I close my eyes and slowly drift off in to sleep.







I love Dion and I hated how their wasn't much of him in the manga but I understand why so..... I CREATED A STORY~~~

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