"Do what you can Rex." Anakin stressed before switching comms to allow Rex to speak to Hyker directly.

"Bróðir." Rex said his voice no more than a slight noise in the light wind on Kithom. "Iak vita, iak vita fram. Men Þer eiga á gøra sjá." Rex emphasised, he himself understanding the onslaught of thoughts and possibilities that would be racing through Hyker's head whilst he tried to decide. Rex knew all too well how difficult it was to decide on leaving a man behind, and he only wished in those moments that he too had someone to reassure him that he was making the right decision. But this was war, and it will always be brutal. "Hon munu vilja Þer á gøra sjá."  Rex urged hoping that Hyker would continue on the course planned.

Again, only static came through the comms as everyone waited in anticipation for Hyker's reply. "Tack, move to position." Hyker's voice finally responded. "We blow it on my count." Hyker ordered firmly as himself and his men moved into position.

A brief sigh of relief flowed through the men after Hyker had finally made the decision to continue with the path planned. But like always, this was war, and that relief was only temporary.

"You heard him men, move out." Rex relayed to the rest of the 501st. "We'll meet you on the other side Hyker." Rex confirmed before turning back to Anakin to get a sense of the thoughts going through Anakin's head.

"I hope he knows what he's doing." Anakin confided in Rex as they both stood side by side watching as they waited for the first part of the barricade to be blown to pieces.

"He does General, I'm willing to bet my life on it." Rex stated confidently. "And so is Wolffe." Rex mentioned before turning his attention to the first barricade.

At the mention of the 104th Commander Anakin halted his doubtful thoughts of the Lieutenant. It was clear to everyone within the Republic that the 104th Commander trusted these soldiers with his life, and the judgment of Commander Wolffe was definitely one to be sworn by. "Then that's good enough for me." Anakin nodded before igniting his lightsabre, Ahsoka following her master's actions swiftly after. "Let's go!" Anakin ordered as soon as the blast from the explosion of the first barricade was heard.

At Anakin's words, the 501st along with Tack Battalion and the Wolf Pack. Set to their task of infiltrating the Separatist base. Swiftly and silently, using the explosion of the first barricade as a distraction, each battalion started to scale the rather large barricade that was currently blocking their entrance into the Separatist base. "We're going to want radio silence as soon as we get over this wall." Anakin whispered as he started to scale the barricade in front of his legion. "Like Hyker said, we don't know what could be waiting for us so best to keep a low profile until then."

"Copy that." Hyker replied. "Wolffe? Do you copy bróðir?" Hyker asked after not hearing from Wolffe in sometime.

"Yeah, I copy." Wolffe replied begrudgingly. "Let's just get this over with." Wolffe stated eager to get his wife back.

(In the base)

"You know, they'll come for me." Rose grunted breathlessly as she glared at the droids currently standing guard watching her bleed out. "But then again, you're droids." She laughed as she hung her head whilst she dangled from her current restraints. "You don't understand loyalty." She spat as blood dripped down her chin.

"You really shouldn't be talking." One of the battle droids stuttered as it stood there watching the Commander slightly worried that she would make some sort of escape.

"Try and stop me droid." Rose laughed as she readjusted herself whilst in the restraints.

"Ah, it seems that our current guest still has some fight left in her." Count Dooku announced as he stood outside of her cell slightly disappointed that the Commander hadn't broken yet.

The Grand Army of the Republic = Commander WolffeWhere stories live. Discover now