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You get to Trost around lunch time and the commander makes sure you eat before you're sent to your new room. It was just soup and bread. Nothing fancy, but it tasted phenomenal after not eating for such a long time.

"Here you are," the commander opens the door to your room. "It's not anything special, but it'll be comfortable for the time being."

"Thank you," your eyes scan across the empty room. The sun is seeping through the window and casting a ray of gold along the wood floor and cream colored wall. There are dust particles floating around aimlessly, so you suppose you should clean up a little.

"I'll be going to some meetings now, but someone will come by with dinner later and if you need the bathroom it's just across the hall," she steps into the hall to reveal the door behind her. "Remember what I said about keeping your head down?"

You nod your head.

"Okay good," she smiles weakly. "Get some rest. I'm sure you need it."

She shuts the door and you're left alone. You thought you would like the solitude, but in reality it causes a lonesome feeling to enter your heart. Right now you'd like to just be in someone's presence. Preferably someone you know, but anyone would do at a time like this.

Maybe it's because you're afraid of where your head might go if you're left alone with your thoughts...

It's like your whole world was turned upside down with just one look. To see him in that black uniform, his sullen face staring back at you. His blue eyes deep and full of sorrow and regret. 

It's all you can think about.

What are you supposed to do now? You were ready to fall in love with this stranger, in some ways you did, but now what? He's lied and possibly even used you as a cover to blend in with the Marleyan people.

He made you feel like a mess of butterflies and warm like the setting sun. The way he looked at you and listened to every word that slipped from your shy mouth. It all felt so genuine. But how can you believe it truly was?

You agreed to find the truth for yourself about if Paradis really isn't your enemy, but you can't go back to how things were with him. You can't just feel the same things you felt. Armin truly is a stranger to you again. But maybe he always was.

Deciding you've already fallen too deep into your subconscious, you shake your head and pull the curtains all the way apart and push the glass open to allow the sun and fresh air inside. It's high in the sky and brightens the entire room with its rays and the slight breeze makes for a refreshing atmosphere.

You grab the edge of the blanket on the bed and toss it up and down a few times to rid it of any dust it's collected while sitting here untouched.

After doing that, you wipe your hand over the desk opposite of the bed and the chest that sits at the foot of it. Once finished, you sit down in the chair at the desk and look down at your dirt covered skin. When that Titan had attacked the ceremony, ash and debris that was falling due to the destruction had coated you and your clothes. You're sure your hair is a mess and you know you look anything but put together, but it's something you'll just have to deal with.

It's the least of your worries right now anyways...

Part of you wonders if your parents miss you or are looking for you. Is it possible that they care enough to go looking? You suppose they could feel that their egos are too big to do that after the fight you had.

Maybe they think you're dead...

That could mean one of three things: One being they mourn your death and move on. Two being mad that they no longer have anyone to bake at the cafe and use for their benefit. And three, they've just lost their one and only burden.

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