bucket list

6 1 6

3:30 in the morning. The city: asleep; the darkness: drowns out the noise.

Kim Taehyung sits up from his bed.

'No sleep today either.' He thinks to himself, heaving out a sigh.

It's become a recurrent cycle for the male - almost routine - to sit by himself at the crack of dawn and stare at nothing in particular; mind void of thought.

But today is slightly different.

Today, he's got a plan.

Taehyung scoots off his bed and maneuvers his way through the dark, feeling around for his desk. Fingers brushing through the cool surface of the metal table, he reaches for and flicks on the switch to his table lamp. A faint, yellow glow illuminates the room in an instant. Squinting from the sudden brightness, Taehyung struggles to find what he was looking for.

"Here it is." He mutters to himself, voice hoarse from the lack of water in his system. He probably could use a drink. But that's just a passing thought. He should focus on the task at hand.

Flipping through the pages of a musky, old notebook, the male checks if there are any unused pages left.

"2..3..4..." Taehyung counts, glad that he didn't scribble through the entire book.

Grabbing a chair and seating himself, the male reaches over the table and pulls out a stack of sticky notes. Grabbing a pen, he quickly scribbles something down.

A date.

August 14, XXXX

He peels off the top note from the pile and sticks it up on the wall in front of his desk. Nodding to himself in approval, the male goes back to writing on a fresh note.

buy  nice loafers, maybe clothes too, get a haircut, shave, go out for dinner, go play with Tannie, pay all bills, quit at the supermarket, sell off old clothes, overdose on ice cream, burn all books

Reading through the list a second time, the male gave himself another nod before sticking the note right below the other one.

Leaning back against his chair, Taehyung shuts his eyes and inhales deeply. He takes a moment to look back at all the events that led to the conclusion he came to. Parts of his memories blur out or flash by his mind, almost impossible for him to remember. But from the little that he does remember, he takes sanctuary in and assures himself that he made the right call that day.

Bits of bright blue peek in through the holes in his curtains, distracting the male from his thoughts.

He steals a glance at the digital clock by his bed.

'4:00.' it reads.

Another morning has arrived.

Taehyung stretches his arms, allowing a loud yawn to escape him. With the start of this new day, the male has his sights set for completing everything he has to on his list.

4 letters, 4 weeks before his estimated date.

July 14, XXXX.

One month to go before happy hour.


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