Chapter 1

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Today I was very happy and first of all, I wanted to tell this news to my brother who loves me the most.. he is the best brother 

Who fulfills my every wish without speaking. When I reached the company, everyone bowed down and welcomed me. I ignored everyone, except for one person, I went straight to that person and asked him whether my brother is in his office at this time or not.

 He told me that he had gone for a meeting. I went straight to my brother's office and sat on the couch and waited. It was 9 o'clock in the night but my brother had not come yet, so I thought I would go home and wait for my brother. Maybe he will come straight home. Thinking this, I went home. 

At Wang Mansion

When I came home, I gave my car key to the guards  When I entered the house, Mrs

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When I came home, I gave my car key to the guards  When I entered the house, Mrs. Lin brought me a glass of cold water. I took a glass of water from Mrs. Lin and thanked her for her service, drank the water in one gulp, then went upstairs to my room and took a short shower and got ready, went downstairs. When I reached downstairs, I saw Mrs. Lin placing food on the dining table. 

She asked me to have food but I refused her and said that now you go and rest. When my brother comes, I will eat with him. After saying this, I sat on the couch in the living room and  Started waiting for my brother's arrival. It was 11 o'clock in the night but my brother had not come home yet, I got very worried. I called my brother but his phone was getting switched off then I called his PA to ask whether the brother is in office or has left. He told me that my brother has not come thereafter the meeting and is not even picking up his phone, then I got very nervous and picked up my bike key from the front table at the entrance and walked towards the door. As soon as I opened the door, I saw that my brother was soaked in rainwater and he looked very worried and upset.

Then I asked my brother what had happened but he quietly came inside the house and going straight to his room, then I asked him from behind to eat but he refused to eat and  And said he was not hungry but I could see that he was very worried. He went into the room and locked the room from inside but I didn't consider it necessary to ask him because I knew that when he wants to talk, he will definitely tell so I went to my room without eating food.

 When I entered the room my eyes were moist and I was about to cry Because it was the first time I had seen my brother worried and sad. Suddenly  I fell asleep in my bed. When I woke up the next morning and rubbing my eyes, I suddenly remembered what happened last night so I woke up jolt from my bed, and ran towards my brother's room. 

As soon as I reached his room, when I opened his room, he was not there so I started worried because a scene from last night was appearing before my eyes and I was just about to start screaming my brother appeared out of nowhere and I was shocked to see him cuz his hand had a cut on his ring finger so I approached his and asked in crackling voice what happened to him. He was caressing my cheeks with his warm hands, cupped my face in his hands, and told me he was absolutely fine but if someone saw him could say confidently that he was not ok.  I put my hand on my brother's hands-on top and asked him that why was he upset and worried yesterday night.

He still made fade smile in front of me and think that I could not understand his behavior so I used my baby face to revealed all truth from my brother's mouth. After seeing my crying face he started to tell me what happened to him last night?


Let's see in the next chapter what happened to haikuan and what would yibo do?

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