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Let's make it quick

I won't be posting regularly, and I'm sed about that ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Reasons :
• my school is reopening, gotta study seriously now (lmao)
• i'm going somewhere and will come back on this Sunday.

So... I'm sorry🥲 but no updates till Sunday and after that I will update, for sure, but they won't be as regular as beforeeee.. :(

Tho I'll try my bestttt to update after one day's gap from Monday~

Tho I'll try my bestttt to update after one day's gap from Monday~

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1 week later


The cool morning breeze coming from the window entered your bedroom, causing your hairs to fall on your face as you wriggled in your sleep. You rolled to the other side trying to snuggle closer to Taehyung but found his space empty.

You frowned and sleepily called him with your eyes half open, almost whining, "Taehyung-sshi", you closed your eyes and were about to hug the pillow kept on the bed when you suddenly heard him shout making you flinch slightly.

"Yaah I'm coming, wait. Don't hug him!", you heard him say and frowned again

"Him?", you mumbled to yourself

You roll off to the other said and spoke "But where did you go at the first place?", you said

"Aigoo I'm sowwy, there was an urgent call", He spoke crawling on the bed and immediately threw the pillow away from you making you hug him instead by wrapping your arms around his waist just like they were before.

You smiled feeling his warmth and snuggled closer into his chest.

For a few minutes you both were in the same position. He was already awake because of the call so he was just patting your head softly making you feel relaxed.

And when you properly woke up.
You looked up at his face, still snuggled onto him, and found him already looking at you with a small smile.

"Goo morninggg", You flashed a smile as he chuckled caressing your hairs. Squishing your cheeks with one of his hand, he pecked your lips as they turned into a pout.

"Good morning Y/nieee. Did you sleep well?", He asked and you nodded before trying to get away from him but he frowned slightly pushing you again into his arms making you let out a laugh.

"Wha-", You again tried to get out and he again pulled you saying "Nuuuu don't go", you smiled and gave up snuggling into his neck while he kept his chin on your head.

After a few moments you took a chance and finally somehow glanced at the clock and gasped

"Taehyung-sshi!!!! You'll be late!! Oh no I didn't even made breakfast!! Why didn't you tell me before", You panicked while he just hugged you again not wanting to let go.

"You were sleeping so peacefully I thought you were tired", he said

"But...but I can't let you go without having breakfast", your worried voice came out as muffles and he smiled hearing you.

You broke the hug, tho you also didn't wanted to and spoke, "Go get ready, I'll prepare the breakfast".

"Fineeee", he whined and let you go, you stood up ready to go downstairs.

Taehyung also sat up and spoke
"Gimme my morning kissue", he said and made a face which you couldn't resist

Taehyung also sat up and spoke"Gimme my morning kissue", he said and made a face which you couldn't resist

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You pressed your lips together and decided to tease him.

"C'monnn, get ready~", you said while he shook his head with the same face.

"Aniyooo I wan kissue firsttttt", you mentally cried thinking how cute he looked and went towards him before cupping his soft cheeks giving him a quick kiss. You were about to pull away but he stood up, and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer and kissed you deeplyy..

Soon after you broke the kiss as you were unable to breathe anymore and directly ran towards the door feeling shy. "Now goooo", you said and he chuckled hearing you and bit his lower lip smiling before making his way towards the bathroom happily.


"No I'll go and buy them myself", you said

Well there was so many grocery and other items to be restocked as they were finished. You told Taehyung that you would probably go on your own but he didn't wanted that.

"Are you sure? I'll try to come early--", you pressed your hand on his mouth and said sternly "Don't.you.dare.overwork.like.that.day.again just to come early!", you said and removed your hand now speaking softly "You might get sick!", he pressed his lips together smiling sheepishly and said "Alright alright", you broke into a smile too hearing him and hugged him one last time as he hugged you back before pecking your head...

He walked outside and sat in his car before droving off.

Yup so now you both were fully comfortable with eachother...

You looked outside the window and by seeing the sky it seemed like it's going to rain today...


Short and boring. I know.

Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment~


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