How you met

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You were chilling in a café drinking (your favourite drink) holding between your fingers your favourite book you read so far.
You were so into the story, your mind imagining the scenario and what will be happening that you didn’t notice someone talking, but you say very neat hand with shiny rings and slight trace of black nail polish in front of your page pulling the book sightly down.
You looked up to be met with gorgeous emerald eyes going through your eyes as a strand of his beautiful curly hair fell on his face, interrupting this staring match and causing him to remove his hands from your book to lift it up.
"My apologies I interrupted miss may I ask if this seat is taken"he said with his deep English accent, you were sightly admiring his features though you answered quickly "no it's alright go ahead"
You heard him say a "thank you" thinking he'll take the seat and go but to your surprise he sat right in front of you holding his iced latte sipping it.
You had no idea why you were nervous, but you just continued reading causally until you heard him speak a few minutes after "the book you're reading it is one of my top favourite books ever, I read it millions of times"
You lowered your book looking at him as he admired your book, "oh really? I haven't finished it yet, and I'm already in love with it, it's so amazing," you said excitedly, lowering your book back on the table.
"That's cool" he said eagerly, "especially when the start how they found the crime scene" he leaned sightly down putting his elbows on the table still sipping his drink.
"Oh my god yes that's so true the suspicion is what nails it" you said leaning down too looking at him."on what page are you?" He asked, eyeing the book before taking it off the table to check, "107 ohhh, so I shouldn't tell you that the boy will turn to be..." He said teasingly, but you stopped him before he can continue "ah ah ah no spoilers" snatching the book back jokingly.
He giggled as you did too, and you noticed how his giggles are truly the most adorable thing you've heard. After a few minutes, you were back to the staring contest when his eyes met yours, and you kept on until he spoke up.
"Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Harry, Harry Styles" he said putting his hand out, you took and shock his hand smiling "y/n".
" Y/n wow what a lovely name" he smiled winking cutely your direction causing you to smile shyly to the ground "yours to Harry"
His wide smile appeared along with his glorious dimples."so y/n wanna go out, I heard the cinemas have a new movie like (your favourite book)?"
"Of course, why not!" You said happily gathering your stuff to get out as Harry did the same, you both left the café holding hands and exchanging numbers at the end of the night.

Harry Styles ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt