Chapter Eleven

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            On Monday morning, I push back the door of Green Hall and step into the shady interior. My mind is on Neveah. Should I talk to her? Ask her what’s going on? I think we’re good enough friends to do that. As I gear myself up to see her, I glance over to Mrs. Martin’s desk to say my usual hello. She isn’t there, though. In her place is a young guy—maybe early thirties—who tells me that, “She’s taking a few days off. I’ll be filling in for her until she returns.”

I don’t think much of this as I walk down the hall towards the Green Grounds. The weather is getting cooler, bit by bit, but Christopher insists on keeping us outside as long as the weather holds. He says it’s easier to learn how to use our Gifts when we’re in direct contact with nature.

Neveah isn’t in Green Training, either. A small bell goes off in my head, but I try not to think about it as I get to work. Since I have no partner today, I work alone and spend the morning treating damaged leaves, twigs and underbrush, without much thought. My mind is too occupied to really focus on Green Training.

The feeling of uneasiness continues during lunch. I barely register the food I’m eating or what the others are talking about. If they notice, they don’t say anything.

Red Training is next. It’s only after warm-up, when Coach Chase calls for our attention that I remember: today we’re going to be assigned trainers.

Coach is standing on a bench, a list in one hand and a whistle in the other. “As you all know,” he begins, “today the first-years will be assigned personal trainers. Physical Training at Tapengram is unlike any other physical training you’ve ever had to endure before.”

That sounds ominous; I turn to Myra and she waggles her eyebrows at me, a huge grin lighting up her face. I know why she’s so happy; she picked James, and she’s probably going to get him. I doubt anyone else picked him other than Myra. Something about his serious face, the intense expression—I don’t think too many people would enjoy that.

Coach Chase is still speaking in that serious tone of his. “First-years need time to acclimatize to our more demanding way of training. Thus, the purpose of having Red trainers during your first year here. Your Red trainer will create an individualized training program to meet your individual needs and fitness level. I will, of course, assist in any way I can, but I trust that your progression and individual needs will be met by the Red-gifted assigned to you.”

He turns to the left, where all the Red-gifted are gathered. “Don’t let me down,” he says in a stern voice. Then he turns back to the huddle of first-years all waiting to find out who they’ve gotten. It may still be the first weeks of class, but there are already preferences.

“Before I read out the assigned partners, let me wish you all a happy, challenging year. Anything you need, please let me know. And now, for the names . . .”

Last week, I did the brave thing and jotted my name down next to Evan’s on the list at Red Hall. Since Myra so publicly announced she was going for James, it seemed only reasonable that I would ask for Evan, right?

Color-Gifted (Color-Gifted, #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora