...Boom Goes The Dynamite...

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This story has a total of 1177 words, wow... I think that's the most I've ever had in a single chapter before...

If you haven't red the description for this story, well...

This story is an AU of mine and is heavily inspired by the events that take place in L'Manberg, Dream SMP

New character(s) featured: Redza.

Trigger Warning: Angst, Gore.
Cringe Warning: I wrote this 6-7 months ago so expect some cringe, I dunno.


As Wilbur detonated the button layed upon the stone walls, TNT could be heard from within the room, igniting with a flash of rage. Philza had a flash of blurring white strike his eyes as he rushed to get to Wilbur. For Philza, it felt as if time slowed, everything moved in slow motion as he came ever closer to Wilbur. In a blink of an eye, Philza gripped onto Wilbur's clothing, tugged sharply and dragged Wilbur closer to Philza's body, eventually wrapping Wilbur in his enormous bird-like wings to shelter his fragile body. Explosions could be heard for miles as the ground shattered and erupted from below, only to collapse in on itself and blow. Buildings were gone. Farms were destroyed. Shelters were broken. Everything was wrong. Philza could feel as though his heart jumped out of his chest at that very moment of panic. As Philza unwrapped his wings in a distressed manner, he took a wide-eyed glance at everything, and what it used to be. He felt anger and disappointment rise in his chest, boiling up his kindness and purity."Wil!- ..." Philza started off angrily but stopped mid-sentence. There was a moment of silence... "MY L'manburg Phil, my unfinished symphony, forever unfinished!" Wilbur cried out in pure insanity as the last string of pure life left Wilbur's body. Wilbur and Philza argued back and forth until... Wilbur dared say something Philza would NEVER forget... "Kill me, Phil KILL me! Stab me with the sword, murder me now- Kill-..." Wilbur stuttered. Struggling to say his words at first but once entering that phase of insanity, Wilbur found he couldn't stop telling Philza to kill him. Philza obviously hesitated a lot during this segment, completely horrified at Wilbur's words. Philza cried out... "You're- hh- You're my SON!!" He yelled toward the end, feeling distressed as he folded his wings outwards to spread them, revealing quite a bit of damage on Philza's left-wing which is the wing-side that took most of the damage from the lit explosion. Everyone outside the button room...Tommy, Techno, Quackity, Fundy, and others stared pitifully at Philza and the situation he's gotten himself into. 

Having his own son tell- no- BEG him to kill them... Philza stayed silent. Wilbur's voice slowly became silent as Philza phased out. Philza could hear his heartbeat knock back and forth, slowly but surely getting faster... This was not good. Philza could feel someone else's presence but couldn't make out or see anyone else around him. His surroundings were pitch black, nothing and no one else was there. 

Back to reality, Philza slowly switched his hand to the sword Wilbur threw in Philza's direction. Wilbur's eyes widened as he realised what he had said and done. Wilbur regretting what he had done, back himself into the corner as Philza slowly almost zombie-like, crept towards Wilbur, blade in hand with a firm grip. Wilbur got shot with a feeling of Instant Regret, guilt, sadness, fear, and a bunch of others. Philza kept his head down as he eventually was face to face with Wilbur pinned up against a wall. Wilbur knew this wasn't Philza but didn't say anything. Philza slowly lifted his head up and revealed a bright RED eye. Philza slammed his left arm against Wilbur's neck, making sure Wilbur had nowhere to run, nowhere to go... Wilbur struggled to breathe before managing to free his neck a little. Once done, Wilbur saw Philza swing from the side... And just like that, Wilbur's last life- GONE. Everyone outside stood in place, shocked at what Philza had done, 2 hits and Wilbur was never found. Philza snapping back to reality from the weird domain he was sent to, he froze. Blade in hand, he slowly looked down at his hands, absolutely covered in blood, looking back up only to see Wilbur's lifeless body subtly twitching on the stone-cold ground. Philza's heart skipped a beat. He started to cry but crying slowly turned into screaming and screaming only turned into a panic attack as he screamed for help, Tommy and Techno, along with Fundy, came rushing up to help Philza. ... 

Philza could feel his legs shaking in disbelief as panic arose deep within his heavy chest. Philza's wings fadedly swapped from a pure cloud white to a deep grey to show he had performed a SIN. Techno reached Philza first thanks to an ender pearl and immediately tried to comfort Philza in the same way Philza would comfort Techno- but more... Bitterly and undone since Techno isn't one for cuddles and affection. Of course, that didn't stop him from trying, for Philza!.. Techno started saying things like... "It's not your fault Phil. It's okay..." "You're going to be okay... Everything's okay..." "Shhh... It's alright... I'm here, we're all here for you..." By the time Tommy and Fundy got there and gathered around Philza to hopefully calm and comfort him, Wilbur's body started to despawn, slowly fading and disappearing. 

Philza couldn't stop thinking about what he had done. He never meant to kill Wilbur, he never had a thought- but after seeing what HE did, despite his judgement, he still killed Wilbur. He committed, whether he wants to admit it or not. Wrapped in the empty embrace that is Techno, Tommy and Fundy, Philza slowly calmed his mind and soon enough, his body and emotions. Though, the thought of Wilbur's death still dared to linger in Philza's mind, haunting him. Philza swore to help rebuild L'manburg, from the ground up. Even though, when things break on the DreamSMP, they don't get fixed, Philza sure as hell wanted to change that! ... Though, no one had noticed... Philza's Heart Charm necklace had cracked, showing signs of HATE, and a loss of Sanity. Philza knew it had happened but didn't mention to stop everyone, including himself, from panicking more ... ...Something's not right... A few days have passed now since the destruction of L'manburg. Philza, still sharply heartbroken, is keeping his promise and is assisting Sam and a few others in rebuilding a few structures. Still, no one has noticed Philza's heart charm, despite Philza not even making any attempts to hide it from sight. 

Technoblade has retired to nature and a more peaceful way of living. Building a sweet, cozy house far from L'manburg, away from the chaos. Built completely with a Bee farm, and a Turtle farm on the way. However, that doesn't mean he's helpless. Technoblade's chests inside are stocked to the roof with fighting supplies, defence, and offence to protect himself from potential threats that L'manburg may pose against him.

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