She puts a package in the cup and then hands it to me.

I take a sip of it and breath in its calming smell.

"He fucking knew the whole time!"

"Who knew?" Mia asks as she takes a mixing bowl out.


"Who knew the whole time?" She rolls her eyes at me.

"Jonathan." I take a big drink this time and feel the burning feeling go down my throat.

"I knew it but what did he know." She chuckles.

"Erik has been cheating on me with Lindsey." I laugh humorously.

I hear the shattering noise of a mug crashing against the floor.

"Let's go." Mia storms over to her jacket and boots.

"What are you doing?" I stare at her mess.

"We are going to beat the shit out of your boyfriend."

"He's your friend too." I remind her as I lock up HER townhouse.

"Not anymore!" She shouts as she throws open her car door.

She drives like a maniac to Erik's apartment.

"Mia slow down!" I yell as she slides around a turn.

"I don't have a sports car for no reason." The city passes by us in a blur.

Erik's apartment in one piece and no police on our ass.

"Let's go." Mia locks the car sassy and heads inside.

We head up to the sixth floor, a long ways down.

Mia bangs on the door loudly and many people come out into the hall.

Nobody opens the door.

I get my key out and unlock the door.

I kick the door open and walk in.

I'm meet with loud moans.

Dirty little cheat.

"All we need is guns and we could be the swat team." Mia chuckle as she comes up from behind me.

We head to the bedroom and I make the signal to be quiet.

Pressing our ears to the bedroom door, we can hear Lindsey yell, "harder Erik! Harder!"

"Is that Lindsey?!" Mia whisper/yells.

Mia turns the knob throwing open the door.

Lindsey riding Erik like a cowboy rides a horse.

"Aw look it's the girl that couldn't satisfy her own boyfriend." Lindsay smirks getting off Erik.

"Look it's saggy tits." Mia snorts.

"At least I'm knocked up." Lindsey sticks her hip out.

"Was Erik looking for something in a bush?" I laugh.

"Right?" Mia laughs humorously

"Riley it's not what it looks like." Erik says with fear in his eyes

"You hear that Mia it's not what it looks like." I snort

"Now that's funny." Mia chuckles dryly

Erik just glares at her

"Can please just talk?" Erik sighs

"Fine talk." I say crossing my arms over my chest

"Alone." He pleads glaring at Mia and Lindsey

Mia gets the hint and begins dragging Lindsey out of the room by her hair.


"Now talk." I say sternly

"Look I'm sorry-"

"Sorry's not going to cut it bud." I interrupt

"I know..." He rambles

"Why'd you do it?" I ask


"Why'd you cheat?"

"I don't know." He mumbles pacing around the room

"Were you not happy with me?"

"No I was...I mean I's just..."

"It's just what? Huh?" I questioned

"I don't know alright. I don't always think before I do and I guess I just got carried away."

Carried away my ass.

"How long?" I sigh

I could feel it in the pit of my stomach, that I didn't want to know the answer.

"What?" He stops pacing and looks directly at me

"You heard me. How long has this thing been going on?"

I knew by the look on his face I was going to regret asking the question, but I just had to know.

"Six weeks." Erik gulps

It feels like I've just been punched in my gut repeatedly

I take a step forward towards Erik and slap right across the face.

"Fuck you." I spit at him before storming out of the room.

I pass up Lindsey who's currently holding an ice pack to her now bruised eye and crooked nose. Good for her.

I find Mia and lead her out of the apartment.

"Aw but I didn't get a chance to be the shit out of Erik." Mia whines

"Another day Mia." I smirk "Another day."


I know it's been a while but tell me what you think!

Thoughts on Erik?

Hope you like the chapter!!


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