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The bell rung signaling the last period had ended and everyone filed out to go to their respective lockers getting ready to go home.

"Have a good night everyone! Welcome back to school, we will see you tomorrow morning! Here's to a beautiful year, my wonderful students of Beverly Hills!" The principal's voice sounded through the loud speakers, Sophie grabbed her bag from the locker seeing that Jane was waiting for her. She felt warm inside, most of her former friends would already be gone. But Jane stays, Jane waits, Jane is here.

It's honestly the little things that make Sophie so happy, and Jane seems to understand that too.

"Hey Soph, come on." Jane says and Sophie nods her head closing her locker and catching up with her as they started to walk to the Football yard, Casper was rehearsing there. "So Sophie, are you technically the middle child-" "Hey baby, want me to stay with you while you watch Casper's football practice?" Mason asks catching up with them, effectively cutting off Jane who just shakes her head at him. "Ah, No babe I'm okay. I have Casper, and-" "Casper has a car, she'll be fine going home if that's what you're worried about. Besides, it's a school night so I'm sure mama bear doesn't want her to have you over." Jane says and Sophie looks at her before looking at Mason "Yeah... I'm gonna be with Casper, go home it's getting late babe." Sophie says and Mason kisses her forehead before shaking his head "No, I'll wait. And then I'll escort you to the car like the loving boyfriend that I am." Mason says as he eyes Jane before looking at Sophie with a smile.

Sophie wasn't sure what it was but she definitely felt the tension in Mason's words.

"Casper! Casper! Casper! Casper! Casper! Casper!" Cheered the few people watching the rehearsal, Casper wiped the sweat from his forehead waving at everyone in the area spotting his sister, Jane and Mason. "Hey guys, you made it! And hello ladies." He says softly causing an eruption of whistles and screams, he shakes his head at the fangirls as he drinks some water getting into position. Sophie spots all the other team members but out of all of them, number 7 was her favorite player. "Wouldn't miss it Casper!" Sophie says as they all huddle together. "Blue on green, Ten on defense, 7 and 2 on Offense, ready.. Hut hut!" The coach calls out blowing the whistle. Sophie watches as her brother zooms through the defense of the opposite team passing the ball off to his team mate who's sprinting and dodging "Let's go, Let's go! You got this!" Sophie cheers while everyone looks on in suspense.

A member of Casper's team is slammed down and everyone gasped in response, the ball is tossed to number 2 who then throws it long distance to Casper who catches it mid jump and sprints through the other team trying to tackle him, the time is clicking down and everyone's watching with their breaths held; 3.. 2..

Come on Casper you got this.

1.. Casper slides across the white line declaring the win for their team, everyone jumps to their feet cheering. For it just being a rehearsal, everyone was there to support their respective teams. "Yes! That's my brother! That's my big brother! Whoo! Yay Casper!" Sophie cheers before she's smiling at him "Your brothers good, real good." Jane says and Sophie nods her head "Yep, there's no denying that."

Mason smiled at Casper's victory, happy to have seen him win even if it's just rehearsal. However, just as he's about to congratulate him for being an outstanding player he gets text messages. He smiles unable to help himself afterwards and he kissed the top of Sophie's head "I have to go, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Mason says with a soft smile, hugging Sophie close looking at Jane "Bye to you too." He says and then he's high fiving Casper hopping into his car, Sophie hears the car drive off and she turned back around to look at Casper who came over to her and Jane "Hey hey! You did your thing Casper! I'm so proud of you." Sophie replies and Casper smiles looking at Jane "You already know I had to show them what they're dealing with." Casper said and Sophie giggle.

"Hey, I've seen you around but never knew your name." Casper says to Jane was trying to figure out what was so urgent that Mason left all of a sudden. "Oh hi, I'm Jane. Pleased to meet you Casper." Jane says after deciding to drop the Mason case for now, Casper smiles at her nodding his head as he placed an arm around Sophie's shoulders. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Jane. Any friend of my sisters is a friend of mine." He declares warmly and she smiles at him feeling the warmth radiating off of him; he was a very safe person.

"You guys ready? Let's go." Casper says and both girls nod their heads following Casper to his car. However, being the gentleman he is he opens the door for them and then gets in the drivers seat with his duffle bag in the passenger seat. Brick House playing on the radio causing Sophie to groan knowing that Casper would start his little show, and sure enough there he goes singing while driving.

"Cuz she's a brick. House, she's the one and only, built like an Amazon." He sings out loud and she shakes her head laughing at him looking at Jane who's smiling admiring the goofy atmosphere, she can see the genuine adoration in the car. "She knows she's got everything, that a woman needs, to get a man. Why should she lose, the stuff she use." He continues to sing using the steering wheel like a drum at the stop sign. Sophie takes out her phone to record him because these were precious moments, and moments she could use to tease him about later on.

Casper made and turn and Jane looked at the street name "Hey, you didn't have to drive me but my house is on this block. The third house on the right." Jane says and Casper drives up to her house, it was pretty cozy house with two floors painted grey with light undertones. Sophie looked at the house blinking a few times, her house was like something straight out of The Little Prince. "This is me." She says sheepishly after getting out of the car "Bye Jane." Sophie says with a smile which she returned "Later Jay." Casper says and she waved to them both going into her house, he watched her close the door behind her and then started to drive them home.

Sophie watches the slightly darkened sky turn a beautiful pinkish-orange as Casper parked the car in front of their house, they both got out and went inside. Dinner being made in the process, they both smiled brightly taking in the wonderful aroma. "My babies, Welcome home! How was your first day back at school?" Their mom asked enthusiastically as their baby sister Chloe reached out for them both, happy to see them. "It was great mom! I scored the win even though it was just practice!" Casper says and their mother smiles kissing his forehead "Ah Casper, you're going to rock the championship when the day comes." She smiles at him looking over at Sophie "And how about you my sweetheart, how was your day?" She asked and Sophie understands why she's asking.

Sophie doesn't have friends much, Sophie used to have a lot of friends but somehow it always ended up being her fault that they left and she never understood that. However, she was more than positive this year was gonna be different. She could already tell.

Sophie looks at her mother with a smile and slightly teary eyes "Mom... I made a friend, her names Jane. She approached me and she even stuck up for me against... Britney." She explains and her mother smiles warmly at her before pulling her into a hug "Oh Sophie, this ones going to be your friend. First day meeting you and she's already defending you against the schools notorious slut." Casper and Sophie's eyes both widened before they smile at her vulgar words "Mom." Casper said in surprise to which she shrugs "I never liked her and I never liked her mother, but I guess I can see the slut gene isn't too far from the tree it came from." Their mom says and Sophie can't help the laugh she lets out, she wasn't expecting her mom to ever say such words.

"Now come, I've made your favorite. Chicken Alfredo with breadsticks." She says and Sophie sees Casper punch the air with joy "Yes! Best day ever." Casper rushed ahead of them to sit at the table kissing Chloe's forehead causing Sophie to smile again as they all sat down.

If it weren't for Jane and Mason and her Loving family, she knows that her life would be so different. She's happy where she is, even though the school year just started. And even though she had no idea why Mason had to rush out like that during Casper's practice.

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