Tears And Wings

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The blast gave a burst of light, and when it ceased, Zhan Tiri, Calvin and Krisha were gone. Crusher sighed as he was set down, his glow ceasing as he touched the ground.

"Whew... everything's okay, bro. We're safe."

No response came from the other after he spoke. Crusher frowned and turned to see Blaze still on the ground, still weakened by the blast from earlier.

"Oh no... Blaze... please don't leave me..." he sniffled as he heard his brother's breathing get slower and slower. "I... I need you..."

His tears rolled down his eyes and down his cheeks as he began to sob. One of his tears fell onto Blaze's tire, where the Sunstone had entered not too long ago. Suddenly, there was a glow of light from it, catching the dark blue truck's attention.

"Wha... huh?"

The glow spread all throughout Blaze's body. Crusher drove back in surprise as the glow continued to shine, through the sun marks on his brother's skin. When the glow ceased, Blaze let out a groan before slowly opening his eyes.

"Wha... what happened...?"

"Blaze! You're okay!" Crusher cheered, hugging him. "One of my tears healed you!"

"One of what? Okay…" Blaze chuckled and hugged his brother back before looking around. "Where's Zhan Tiri? And your parents…?"

"Gone... for good. Now... let's go heal our friends."

Before they could move, however, their bodies glowed once more, and they gasped as their magic surrounded them. Suddenly, magical, sparkly wings appeared on their backs, Blaze's glowing bright as the sun and Crusher's glowing as luminous as the moon.

"Wha... what's happening?"

They both looked puzzled and amazed as they stared at their own wings and at each other's.

"Blaze! Crusher!"

They both turned to see Roarian fly over at them. The flying lion, however, looked amazed as he stared at the wings at their backs.

"Roarian... something weird is happening," Blaze said. "Crusher said one of his tears healed me, and then... these wings appeared."

"They are gifts, friends," Roarian smiled and landed in front of them. "A year ago, Blaze, you had saved Crusher with the power of the Sundrop. And now, Crusher had returned the favour and saved you with his magic. The wings are gifts for saving each other, for proving that your bond as brothers is strong, even before,"

"Our... our stones sensed all that?" Crusher asked.

"Yes, they had and still do," Roarian replied with a nod.

"Wow... they sure are beautiful," Blaze smiled. "And they match us so well!"

"Now we can fly down and help heal our friends!" Crusher added.

"Come, then, let us go," Roarian motioned them to follow him.

The two nodded and took off on their first flight. Thankfully, their practice from a year ago paid off, and they were flying across the sky.

"Wow... these wings are powerful!" Crusher exclaimed. "Race you down!"

"You're on!" Blaze grinned.

Roarian chuckled as the two brothers raced down. He followed after them as they zoomed over the streets until they made it to the garage.

"We made it..." The two sighed in relief.

"My babies, you're okay!" Phoenix sighed in relief. "But... where did you get those beautiful wings?"

"We'll explain later, Mom, promise," Crusher said with a beam. "But, we need to let Blaze do his thing."

Blaze drove forward, his tires up as he drove over to Darington, Stripes and Pickle. He closed his eyes and chanted the healing incantation under his breath.

In an instant, a golden glow came from him, spreading towards the trio to heal them. After a while, Pickle was the first to wake up, groaning before gasping as he found himself healed from his wounds.

"My... my dents and wounds! They're healed!"

Soon, Stripes and Darington began to wake, all their inuries healed as well-- Stripes even got a new eye.

"Hey! I can see again!" the tiger truck cheered.

"B! You're back!" Darington wrapped his tires around his lover's. "Ooh, and you've got beautiful wings!"

"Where did you get them?" Gabby asked.

"Our stones gave them to us as gifts," Blaze replied.

"But wait, where's Zhan Tiri?" Stripes asked.

"And Crusher's parents?" Starla added.

"Gone... for good. We never have to worry about them again." Crusher reassured them.

"That's such a relief," AJ sighed. "I guess we better return the stones we borrowed."

"Good idea," Blaze agreed.

"It is quite simple to do that," Roarian told them. "Crusher, Blaze, hold the scepter together and follow my instructions,"

"Got it."

The two nodded and held onto the scepter. Roarian smiled.

"Now focus on your magic, focus and spread them out,"

They did as he instructed. Suddenly, the scepter glowed, all of it's gems shimmering as they slowly detached from the scepter. They soon started to spin around until they disappeared in a poof of magic.

"There," Blaze sighed. "So... what do we do now?"

"Yeah... we've been so focused on battling Zhan Tiri, I don't know what to do." Crusher admitted.

"Now, we rest," Phoenix told them, holding her sons close to her. "It's been a long day,"

"And let's have victory family photo!" Sparkle beamed, taking out her camera.

"Good idea." AJ smiled.

"Zeg hold up camera!" Zeg offered.

"Thanks, Zeg!" Blaze beamed as they gathered together. "Everyone say cheese!"


With that, the camera flashed, and the photo was taken, with plenty of laughter to spare.

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