Andrew's Capture

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Rapunzels eyes and face were stained of tears as they walked down the hall 

Rapunzel: "Cass didn't deserve it Eugene.."

Eugene: "I know...she was like an annoying sister to me and...I actually thought we could get along"

Rapunzel: "Lets just keep going Eugene........." 

Eugene: "Anything you say Blondie"

They got to the dungeon finally without getting caught and found Varian unconscious in a cell really beat up 

Rapunzel: "VARIAN NO!"

Eugene: "Kid!"

Rapunzel: "Eugene pick the lock! we need to get him out of there!" 

Eugene: "You know I have the key to the cell right?"

Rapunzel: "Oh yeah UNLOCK THE CELL!" 

Eugene searched his pockets in hope of finding the key

Eugene: "Yeah I'm gonna have to pick the lock since I can't find the key" 

Rapunzel facepalmed herself "You need to be more responsible with that key Eugene! Your the captain of the guard so you need to be more aware of things like THAT"

Meanwhile with Andrew 

Andrew: "Now Clementine tell me what do you think was SO important to take me away from torturing the little brat so I could see something

Clementine: "Corona's number one fight has been brought down so now nothing is stopping us from destroying and taking over all of Corona"

Andrew: "You mean Rider has been taken down?!"

Clementine: "No! not him" she opened the guest bedroom door "Her" she smirked with a evil look on her face 

Andrew: "Cassie? Hmmmmm What even is this stuff?"

Clementine: "Its called Amber its a VERY powerful substance it encases ANYTHING in its way when its near a black rock the boy told me about it" 

Andrew walked around the amber

Andrew: "Nice job Clementine...................Cassie I wish things didn't have to do this way for us but you chose the wrong side of history"

Andrew looked at Clementine: "How long does the amber last Clementine?"

Clementine: "Forever unless somebody finds a way to break her free she's not going anywhere"

Andrew: "Why is the amber glowing blue?"

Clementine: "She must be trying to escape from the inside!" 

Andrew: "Well it looks like your failing Cassie because your not escaping from there anytime soon"

Clementine: "Sorry to burst your bubble on your villain speech but she can't hear or see you" 

Andrew: "Seriously Clementine?!" 

Clementine: "Not my fault" 

With Rapunzel again 

They had got Varian out of the cell

Rapunzel: "He's alive for now we need to get him to a medic he is in really bad shape"

Varian started waking up and he was in pain

Varian: "Rapunzel...?" He looked around "Eugene...?"

Rapunzel: "Varian! Are you okay?!"

Varian: "No not really my chest hurts everything hurts"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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