How Are They Back : Chapter 7

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Varian's Invention had Exploded like Cass had predicted but it wasn't from a malfunction 

Varian and Cass both laid unconscious on the floor  

Rapunzel came running in the house (Don't question why she came busting in without permission  I will answer that  in a minute or two)


She ran down to the lab because that's where the big bang came from

Rapunzel: "VARIAN!!!!!!! CASS!!!!!!!!!!!!" She saw them both unconscious across the room from each other "WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?" she was freaking out big time 

Varian started getting up

Varian: "Ah that turned out worse then expected and ow my head hurts from the explosion..........Wait WHERE IS CASSIE?!?!?!?!?!" 

He gets up and goes over to Cass on the floor 

Varian: "Cassie!" He notices a thing that was more then familiar "No......How could it possibly be"

Rapunzel goes over to both of them 

Rapunzel: "Are you two okay?!"

Varian: "Does it look like Cassie is okay?!" He was holding her in his arms on the ground 

Cass coughed very hard 

Cassandra: "I told you that thing would blow up" 

Rapunzel screamed very loudly 

Rapunzel: "CASS NEXT TO YOU!!!!!!!!" 

Cassandra screamed also when she saw what was next to her and she started freaking out like Rapunzel was and she scooted away  

Varian: " I was trying to tell you!!!!" 

Rapunzel: "Well you didn't give very good signs about it then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 


A small black pointy rock was standing there right in front of them

Cassandra started getting more headaches and more visions

Cassandra: "make it stop MAKE IT STOP!!!"

Rapunzel: "WHATS GOING ON?!" She was more confused then when she first got there

Varian: "Shes been having these visions! that's why we were down here we wanted to know what was going on and why she was having these vision!" 

After a while The visions stopped 

Cassandra: "I have a confession"

Varian: "what is it Cassie?" 

Cassandra: "I have been having these visions for a while now...but I haven't really had any since I was in control of the moonstone and then last night"

Varian: "How come you didn't tell us!?!" 

Cassandra: "I didn't want to worry you" 

Varian: "Cassie you can't keep stuff like that from us" 

Cassandra: "I know I'm sorry! I'm the worst person on earth!"

Varian: "Cass you and I made mistakes who hasn't? but the real problem are your visions...what did you see this time?"

Cassandra: "This time...there was Andrew....he had tried to kill me then....Rapunzel...she stepped in his way... and she died right there in front of me" 

Varian: "what visions were you seeing when you had the moonstone?" 

Cassandra: "I don't want to talk about those" 

Varian: " did you know we were down here once the lab exploded and why were you here?" 

Rapunzel: "I was coming to check on you guys!"

Varian: "at 6 in the morning?" he gave her a displeased look 

Rapunzel: "I know its just that I am worried for you guys and stuff"

Cassandra: "you don't need to protect us Raps we can defend ourselves"

Varian: "Now back on topic I am going to check the results of the thing"

Cassandra: "It blew up though"

Varian: "I managed to get some stuff written down before the machine exploded"

Cassandra: "Good move Var"

Varian checked over the results of the test 

Varian: "Cassie Rapunzel we might have a problem"

Cassandra: "What do you mean we might have a problem?!"

Varian: "It says that the power of the moonstone had overwhelmed the Machines circuits causing it to blow up"

To be continued.........

HEY PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

How did you like the chapter?!

I know its a bit short but its because I am double uploading 

(I am uploading my other book too right now thats what I ment) 


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