"I think it was the final boss? I just watched as you flailed around until the game killed you,"

"Hey! Puzzles aren't my strong suit, Jeremy,"

"It wasn't that hard though..."

"Jeremy..." As they continued onward, with the luggage in tow, he couldn't help but think of these small conversations. They've had similar ones for awhile now. But there was something different.

Perhaps the trip's mission was a prime candidate, as they didn't seem to fight as much. Usually the conversation would abruptly end when a reference to Elizabeth presented itself.

Luckily we both are doing this for her, he thought to himself. Jeremy felt as though this could present an opportunity to understand why Cassidy even chose to come here. Let alone argue with her mother for two days so fervently.

Getting inside to the feeling of A/C pouring in from the vents was an improvement. Generally speaking the hotel was of average quality when it came to the lobby. A decent chair set up with couches Jeremy could reasonably purchase with his allowance if he saved up enough. A counter with an older lady managing the influx of guests, and hallways that lead into more hallways.

So...a long winded way to say it's a hotel.

Rolling the luggage alongside Cassidy, the duo found themselves seeing George talking to said older lady.

"-and if possible, would there be rooms on the same floor?"

"Erm...well, we do, but they're pretty far apart. Rooms 207, 209 and 234 are the ones available right now. An expo is coming up filling all the spots,"

"That'll be fine. Oh!" He turned to us, startled a bit. Gathering himself, he continued. "And the A/C works right?"

"Yes sir, it does. We recently had it fixed," She definitely hid that annoyance in a professional manner. Pity that had to be addressed though.

Asking a question like that was rather odd if you never set foot in a room. Jeremy knew enough that complaining was a necessity when it comes to buildings not personally owned. Rented apartments, rented houses, hotels, motels, the whole sector of property not really owned by the person using it. Of course, usually the complaints come after. Not before.

"Good, good. Thank you ma'am," George approached the two handling cards given to him by the desk. It was simple plastic often used these days in place of metal keys. "Alright guys. We'll just get settled. I want to meet up again in my room at around...uh, 4 o'clock to discuss things,"

"Got it," Jeremy nodded taking the plastic. It had the number 209 plastered in the corner alongside a company logo. George looked a bit in a hurry with how he took his luggage, and swaggered over towards the elevator. Not even saying another word.

"Heh, looks like he has a mission. Do you think he ate some bad food?"

"Like you did with that Thai stall before last year?" Cassidy grimaced at the reminder. Jeremy for some reason could recall that one specific moment in time where Cassidy bought a shady looking meal from an equally shady stall around their school.

It ended with her sitting in a toilet for around thirty minutes. Funny...he usually remembers the bad things. Perhaps this kind of trip would make his childhood less terrible if there are more fond memories. Ones that weren't based on the john.

"Haha," She lightly pushed the teen in response, a dull laugh erupting from her blank expression. "207. Looks like I'm close to you, eh?"

"Yup. Wonder why Mr. Blackburn would choose the farthest one. Is it a chaperone thing?"

Five Night's At Freddy's: After HoursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang