Something wicked part 4

Start from the beginning

"Dad didn't send me here to walk away."

"Send you here? He didn't send you here, he sent us here!"

"This isn't about you, Sam!" Dean laid his daughter back on the bed and stood up. "I'm the one that screwed up. It's my fault. Don't tell me how many kids have gotten hurt because of me, including my own daughter."

"What are you saying, dean? How is it your fault?" Sam questioned him.

Dean stayed quiet for a moment.

"Dean." Sam sighed. "You've been hiding something from the get-go. Since when does dad bail on a hunt? Since when does he let something get away?"

Dean sat down on the end of the bed.

"Now, talk to me, man. Tell me what's going on."

It was quiet.

"Fort Douglas, Wisconsin." Dean started as the memory faded in.


After having a long conversation between Sam and Dean. They finally agreed on a plan.

As much as neither of the boys wanted to, they decided to go along with Alison being bait. They went over it with Alison, and she was very hesitant about it, but she loved helping on hunts, so she agreed to do it.

Alison shivered as the covers had been kicked to the end of the bed from when she got hot.

She was sweating, but freezing. Tired but restless.

"Alison, baby, come on, you need to eat something." Dean said as he held a spoonful of pie out to her.

She whined, turning her head away from him.

"Alison, come on. You need to get something in your system." Dean told her.

Alison crawled down past Dean, grabbing her blanket, her arms gave out and she fell onto the bed with a grunt.

Dean was quick to help her back up, but she smacked his hands away.

"Hey, do not hit me." Dean scolded her as she sat up, her feet pressed together, her hands grasping them loosely.

She yawned as she could feel her energy draining again. Dean could see it on her face.

"Alright, lay down." Dean set the plate of pie on the nightstand.

"Don't want to." Alison stated as she began fo feel lightheaded.

"yes, you do. You don't want to admit it, but yes, you do wanna lay down." Dean told her.

"Nuh-uh." Ali barely shook her head.

"Mm-Hmm." Dean leaned closer to her.

"Nuh-uh!" Alison leaned closer to him.

"Yes, you do." Dean cracked a smile as they got closer and closer until their foreheads touched.

"No, I don't." Alison let out a tired giggle.

"I love you, Alison Winchester." Dean whispered to her.

"I love you, daddy Winchester." Ali whispered back.

She then pulled away from Dean and coughed into her elbow. Dean leaned back up, Alison started choking so he reached towards her, patting her back.

"You're okay, come on. Get it out." Dean continued to pat her back a little more firmly until she stopped coughing and choking.

He reached down and grabbed Alisons blanket.

"Daddy, I don't think I can do this." Alison told dean.

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