Awkward meeting- Yelena(fluff)

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*So this is my first writing ever so please be nice. I am gonna be thankful for every advice you guys give me. Also very sorry for grammar English isn't my native language. Enjoy my oneshot and leave some feedback. Love Callie❤️

Me eyes open quickly when I hear a loud noise and an unfamiliar voice swearing. I look at Yelena sitting next to me grabbing a gun from the drawer. I send her a worried look and she just gestures her finger to her lips. Her body slowly gets up from the bed and she raises her gun. I reach under our bed for my gun and slowly follow her ready to fight.

As we approach the corridor to the kitchen where the sound comes from, Yelena turns on me and whispers "I love you".

I smile at her. "I love you too."

Two seconds later we hear a woman voice call "Yelena don't shoot it's me."

Yelena freezes. Still not lovering her gun.

I quietly mumble"Do you know her love?"

"I did. She is my sister." I frown at her. "What?"

"It's complicated trust me."

The voice speaks again. "Are you gonna come out or do I have to open the door?"

Yelena speaks loudly "How am I supposed to know that you are not under mind control?"

The woman chuckles "Do you really think you would be alive if I was mind controled?"

At this remark Yelena lowers her gun and looks at me. " Stay here, stay put." I nod. "Be careful." I add with worry. Yelena smirks "You know I always am."

With that she kicks the door wide open and goes to kitchen.

"What a hell are you doing here Natasha and how did you find me." She says angrily.

"I needed to speak with you and you are stupid enough and stayed in one place for 3 years. It's not that hard to find you when you are not moving." Natasha says with a mocking tone.

Yelena snickers "I've been here for 3 and a half year and I have very good reason to stay." I hear that she opened the fridge and place a bottle on table. "You can come out darling. She won't do anything."

I hesitantly go to kitchen with my gun still on the woman with confused expression. I look at Yelena "Are you sure we can trust her babe?" Yelena smiles lightly "Positive."

I put down the weapon. And take a seat across Natasha.

"Darling, babe?. So you two" she gestures between me and Yelena with raised eyebrow. Yelena takes seat next to me and pours three shots off vodka. "Yeah we are together" Yelena says and intertwine her fingers with mine.

She hands one shot to Natasha and we drink it.

"And how do you know each other?" I gestured between Lena and Natasha.

"You never told her?"

"There was no reason to. We were just posing as sisters when we were little kids and it was for 3 years so." Yelena says calmly.

"Oh okay" I realized that Lena doesn't want to talk about it at least not now.

"So, what do you need to talk about in 6 A.M.?" Yelena asks Natasha.

"I wanted to talk about Red Room but first I want to know about you and" she looks at me "Y/N" I add. "Y/N" she repeates and teasingly looks at Yelena.

"I don't have to tell you shit you know. It's none of your business"

"Lena you just said that you trust her and she is your sister. She deserves to know about your life. I mean our life." I smile at the love of my life. She looks at me. " You're right, but no details." She says smirking.

"So what do you want to know Natasha?" Yelena asks. " I want to know everything. Most off all how did my little sister scored someone that hot." She gestures at me.

Yelena visibly tenses and squeezes my hand.

"Okay." I start to talk to ease the tension. " We are together for 3 years and 8 months. We met after Lena saved me from mind control. We fell in love and here we are." I said with a smile.

Natasha smiled too only Yelena was staring dangers into her. "Love are you okay?"

Yelena replied with every bit of sarcasm "Of course I am okay my sister just flirted with my wife."

Natasha eyes widened. "Wife? Lena relax I just wanted to see how protective you are okay?"

"Besides" I turned to Lena"you know that I am in love with you. Only with you" She smiles at me. I took her chin gently and lean to give her a love-filled kiss. But soon we were cut off by Natasha. " Eew I don't need to see my sister kissing someone I need to bleach my eyes."

Yelena just laughed still looking at me. She leaned in and stoped. Our lips just barely touching. "I love you too" and then she pressed our lips together. Not caring her sister being in the same room. I put my hands around her neck to bring her closer to me to deepen the kiss. After couple off seconds she lightly bit my bottom lip and pulled away.

She looked at her sister with a smug smirk. "So what do you want to talk about?"

YELENA/FLO ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now