"Jerks, dead ahead," she nodded,

"Great— just what we need for the start of the day," I quickly laughed bitterly, but I cut myself off when the three bullies were just a few metres away. And that's it, they just walked past, laughing and talking to themselves. My eyes widened and I turned to Ellen, who acted like she didn't even notice that, the three— biggest bullies in school— walked right past us, as if not knowing we were even there, which is hard to do, considering that Ellen and I were the only ones in school that ever wear all black.

"Ellen, did you notice that?" Ellen stopped and turned to me,

"What are you talking about?" I furrowed my brows, turning and pointing to Jake and his gang,

"Ellen, they just walked past us, without doing anything. Jake, Trent and Dylan just walked past without even as much as looking at us." Ellen turned to look at Jake and his friends.

"Felix, they didn't walk past us— did they?" I nodded at her. Confusion was flooding through me, I just pointed the three of them to her, did she zone out or something?

"They really did Ellen. How didn't you notice?" Ellen's eyes widened before looking away from me, her face slightly red. I furrowed my brows since when did Ellen act like this in public?

"I— I just wasn't— I just— I just didn't notice at all. Sorry— I got to go, see you later Felix." With that, Ellen ran off. I frowned as I stared at where she was. I sighed and started off in the opposite direction, which was the direction Jake was going but was no longer there. I let out a breath of relief when I crashed into someone and fell over,

"Oh sorry Dude, I didn't see you there." I looked up to see Sam Conte, the school's golden boy, standing in front of me, holding his hand out. I growled and shoved his hand away,

"I don't need your help," As I pulled myself up, annoyed I allowed myself to run into someone so annoying. I quickly dusted myself and stared at Sam, "Learn to watch where you're going." Sam gasped lightly and growled at me,

"Oi, it wasn't just me Dude, you weren't watching where you were going either," I growled back at him and pushed his shoulder,

"Just because you're so 'popular' doesn't mean you can get away with everything!" Sam scoffed at me. Why was I acting like this? This wasn't right. Normally I would glower and storm away in a stupid way, so why was I fighting him so hard right now?

"Come on Dude, we crashed into each other, why don't you just suck it up?" I growled right back at him, completely pissed. Where was this energy coming from? Where was this anger coming from?!

"Because I have been having a very weird day today, and if you even think of asking me what is wrong, I will be very, very, very mad. And I swear to god you bet—" I was cut off by someone running over. Oh god, I hope it isn't a teacher— or worse, Mr Bates. Although he is a teacher, he is by far the worst, always splitting Ellen and me up when we do group projects in science class, which sadly, is often.

I turned around to prepare myself, if it was a teacher, prepare to run. If it was a student, get ready to be pissed. I froze when I saw Jake— what the hell is he doing here? Damn it, after he ignored me I was hoping I wouldn't have to put up with him today.

"What do you want?" I lowly growled the words and Jake scoffed, but refused to look at me, his eyes settling on Sam.

"I want to know what the hell is going on over here," I rolled my eyes. He answered my question, but why isn't he doing anything? Wouldn't he normally be attacking me by now?

"It's none of your concern Riles." Jake froze at the sound of his last name. My eyes widened— shit did I just piss him off? Why was I acting so boldly?!

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