Chapter 7

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"Anthony, these are so interestingly beautiful," Nicollette spoke excitedly as she looked at a unique purple flower she had never seen before. Nicollette let go of the Viscount's arm and walked quickly towards the flowers she was intrigued by. Anthony watched the girl go and couldn't help but admire her intrigue,

"They are. They were my father's favorite..." Anthony trailed off thinking of the man who raised him. Anthony didn't often speak of the man for he was still grieving after all these years, but when a man loses his father at such a young age it is hard to overcome the grief. Nicollette walked over to Anthony and grabbed his hand in hers, she held it in a comforting manner and offered him a reassuring smile. "They are Grape Hyacinth's," Anthony stated and let out a little laugh, 

"I gather your youngest sister was named after them in his honor?" Nicollette asked and Anthony nodded in confirmation, "From the little I know of your father, I have gathered that he was an extraordinary man and a truly loving father," Anthony looked up into Nicollette's eyes and saw she was being sincere as she spoke,

"I hope to be half the man he was," Anthony spoke and Nicollete scoffed at his words. Anthony frowned at her reaction and turned to a defensive expression, "Are you mocking me?" Nicollette shook her head at his accusation, 

"Anthony, dear, Anthony, I may not have known your father and can never truly know, but I've seen the way you take care of your family," Anthony looked at her in confusion and was surprised to see her be someone more than the proper lady society requires, "Anthony, you may not believe so, but you are a good man," Nicollette placed her hand on the side of his face to comfort him without thinking it all the way through, the action shocked both of them but they went with it. Anthony subconsciously leaned into the palm of her hand for comfort. "You are a good man Anthony even if you don't believe it." Anthony smiled at the girl in front of him and covered her hand with his and held it to his face,

"Thank you," He spoke softly and kissed the inside of her hand gently, Nicollette's cheeks burned at the action, and she bashfully smiled up at him. "Shall we continue the tour?" He asked gently and Nicollette nodded her head in agreement. 

Unknown to the two individuals in the garden, they were being watched from a window in Bridgerton house, Lady Bridgerton smiled to herself as she saw the brief interaction between the young girl and her son. 

"Tell me, Anthony, what was it like growing up with so many siblings?" Nicollette asked the man curiously as they walked through the gardens. Anthony chuckled to himself at the girl's question, 

"It was chaotic, never a dull moment," He smiled as he recalled his childhood, Nicollette smiled as she saw the big grin on Anthony's face. 

"It is so lovely that your family all sincerely likes each other," Nicollette looked up to the clouds and felt the warm sun on her face, Anthony watched as the girl's nose scrunched up at the sun's warmth and couldn't help the smile of adoration on his face, 

"Nicollette that is the second time you have said something like that," He spoke and watched as her face small smile fell. Nicollette sighed and nodded her head, 

"Yes, I believe it is, but when you come from a family like mine it truly is a sight to behold," She spoke softly. Anthony looked at her with an expression mixed with worry and confusion, 

"A family like yours?" He asked, hoping the Arquette girl would elaborate on her statement. Nicollette looked around to see if anybody was around to hear her speak, but it was only her, Anthony, and Francine who was far enough away not to hear their conversation but close enough to keep an eye on them. 

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