Chapter 4

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Nicollette and her mother had just entered the theater when they were spotted by Lady Danbury and the Queen. "Lady Arquette, come join us." Lady Danbury said as she waved the mother and daughter of. 

"Lady Danbury." Juliette spoke before turning to the Queen and saying a "your majesty" with a small curtsy. Nicollette followed her mother's actions and curtsied for the queen. 

"Someone alerted me that the eldest Arquette child has arrived in London." Lady Danbury spoke to the Arquette ladies. Nicollette smiled as her mother's face lit up at the idea of her son's arrival being gossip. 

"Yes, he arrived this morning." Lady Danbury was soon distracted from the conversation as she saw Lady Bridgerton and Daphne enter the theater, 

"Lady Bridgerton" She spoke loudly "Do join us," She said as she looked towards the Queen. Nicollette offered a reassuring smile at the mother and daughter pair as they nervously waltzed towards us. The two women curtsied at the Queen, 

"Your majesty, good evening. You must remember my daughter, Daphne" Violet spoke as she carefully allowed Daphne to walk forward. Daphne had an excited smile on her face as she stepped in front of the Queen and smiled. The Queen pursed her lips as she watched Daphne, 

"Yes, she made quite the impression..." She turned to the man holding her dog before stating "However fleeting it may have been," and she walked away with a snorting chuckle. 

Nicollette grimaced at the Queen's hurtful words and hoped that they didn't affect Daphne too much, but then again it was the Queen after all. Lady Danbury broke the tension "I would welcome you four to my private box this evening." She spoke as she carefully balanced on her cane. The younger countess and her daughter smiled and nodded their heads, but the two Bridgerton ladies looked a little apprehensive. "I insist." Lady Danbury spoke and they all knew there would be no way arguing out of it now. 

The five women made slowly made their way to Lady Danbury's box when she spoke, "Nicollette any interesting suitors come calling today?" she asked curiously. Nicollette's cheeks flushed with warmth at the idea. 

"Only two, Lady Danbury." She replied calmly, Lady Danbury's eyebrows raised in question. 

"Only two callers, or only two interesting callers?" She asked more inquisitively "There is a very distinct difference, my girl." Julliette gave her daughter a reassuring smile. 

"Only two callers, only one of them was interesting, but I am afraid it cannot be," Nicollette spoke as they walked through the crowded theater. Daphne's and Violet's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at what the young girl meant. Julliette grabbed her daughter's hand and gave it a warning squeeze, for if the whole ton knew that the young Lady Arquette was supposed to marry a wealthy well off man and nothing more, the offer's would never stop coming and she would never be able to sort out the liers and the cheats. 

Lady Danbury rose her eyebrows before speaking again, "Well that is too bad." 

The two young debutantes sat at the front of Lady Danbury's personal box and were awaiting the show to begin. Nicollette turned to Daphne and spoke "Daphne, do not take what Lady Whistledown says to heart. It is merely gossip." Nicollette waved her hand as she spoke. Daphne smiled at the dark-haired girl. 

"I am afraid I cannot. The only man who has called on me for days now is Nigel Berbrooke." She said with distaste. Nicollette grimaced at the idea. She truly felt bad for her friend, but couldn't help but feel slightly glad that it was not her. 

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