Chapter 4.

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Elloydia's POV

   I burst into house in a rush. I quickly look around for something to eat in the kitchen before I trudge up stairs. Once I got to my bedroom I hear Adrian open the front door. Walking to my closet I pull out my biggest duffel bag and one smaller one. I don't know how long I'm going to stay with Adrian, so I only grab shirts, pants, shorts, some sweats and jackets, as well as some socks.  Once I've filled the bigger bag with a weeks worth of clothes I walk out of my closet face first into pecks.

   "Oof" I grunt and step back rubbing my nose before continuing, "You're like a brick wall!" He chuckles at me and takes my duffle bag. Peering inside he gives me a look.

   "You're going to want more clothes than this. Or I could just buy you a new wardrobe." He states.

   "How long am I staying with you? There's nothing wrong with my wardrobe." I huff. Again another look.

   "We're mates? You'll stay with me forever."

   "Mates? I've never spoken to you before today, we've never hung out, you don't even know my favorite color. I think you need to rethink your definition of 'mates'".

  This time there is no weird look. Instead he looks hurt, like I've insulted him.

   "What?" I ask.

   "I don't mean mates as in friends, I mean mates as in soul mates. The one person our Goddess Selene has gifted us. The other half of your soul. The one person who will understand you better than yourself. The love of your life. You're my mate, my lifeline." He explains.

   "Oh." Is all I can say.  I turn and enter my closet again. This time I take all my clothes from the hangers and bring them into my room.

  "So um I need to grab more bags, it might be a little weird looking though." I say before crawling underneath my bed towards the small door in the wall. Once I've crawled through I stand up easily.

  I found the hidden room within minutes of getting my own room from Marie. Since I was found as a pup, she would have me sleep in a crib next to her bed, and until I was three, I stayed in her room on a small toddler bed.

  Inside the hidden room, I glance around the shelves looking for more bags. The hidden room is quite spacious, and with the lock on the small door the room has been another sanctuary of mine.

  Throwing the bags out the door, i crouch down and push them the rest of the way out of my way. Crawling out from under the bed, I stretch and grab my bags. I start stuffing my clothes in bags. Grabbing bits and pieces I think I'll need. I lay a grey tank top, black leggings, and some black and white sneakers and lay them on my bed. I grab panties and a matching bra from a drawer and start getting dressed. It's then that I realize Adrian staring at me.

  "What? Why are you staring like that? Do I have dirt on me?" I ask turning around trying to look at myself.

  "You're stunning, naked or not I cant keep my eyes off you."

  "That's because your a perv. When did you get dressed anyway?" I ask finally noticing he's dressed. Or at least wearing shorts.

  "I changed when you disappeared into the wall, and I'm not perverted looking at whats mine." He smirks.

  I finish packing my things and then we're ready to go.

    When we get back to the pack house Adrian turns to me with a smirk on his face.

  "What," I give him a look, "is there something on my face?" He chuckles and shakes his head.

   "No, it's just the last time you were here I ended up with grass in my ass crack that I know wasn't there when I put on my shorts that day." Stifling a laugh I grin back at him.

    "I wonder how it got there?" I shoot back. Instead of arguing he throws his head back and lets out a bark of hearty laughter.

  Without realizing it, we're standing in front of his bedroom door. I shuffle my feet anxiously.

   "So where am I going to sleep?" I ask. My nerves written all across my face.

   "With m- what are they teaching you at that school? How do you not know any of this?" He begins and quickly switches to questioning me.

   "Oh you know, Math, social studies, history, economic, just the basics really." I say proudly. I'm one of the top students in my classes.

  "That's just human stuff. What about packs, mating rituals, female heat, combat, or your role in the pack?" He asked incredulously.

   "No? Why would they teach that at human school?"

   "You've never been to our school? Our pack has a school dedicated to this sort of thing."

   "No, I'm kind of an outcast. Nobody wants to go to school with a wolf whose pack abandoned her on the border of another pack. I didn't feel the need to subject myself to stupid questions, 'Are your parents rouges? Is that why they didn't want you'. I told myself I'd be better off alone." I reply sullenly.

   Adrian walked into his bedroom and set my bags on the floor. He made his way to the bookshelf and pulled a thick book down before returning to me.

   "This is just a general census on everything I previously mentioned. When you finish this I will get you a book on more advanced topics." He said thoughtfully.

  "Thank you, I appreciate it." I reply with a genuine smile. His eyes darken to black before returning to theirb beautiful hue.
   "From now on you stick with me unless I say otherwise. Training starts at 4 am tomorrow morning. Wear something suitable for a hard work out and bring a change of clothes too. Stay here and read, I'll be back in about two hours, I need to let my council know that I've found my mate." He stated. And with that he walked out the door closing it behind him. Leaving me to my thoughts.

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