Learn Your Mistakes

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I woke up to a mean ass bitch slap in the face. "OW! MOTHER FU--" I stopped mid sentence rubbing my cheek and trying to hold back my tears. Now I know why they call it a bitch slap. It hurts like a mother fucker. My eyes turned to glare at the person who unleashed that vile attack.

As they did so my cheeks started to give off a faint blush. She was beautiful with her raven black hair and amber eyes. Her skin was quite fair as well. As my eyes moved lower taking in the captivating beauty, my blush would deepen as well. She was naked. Why was she naked?!

"You. Are. A stupid. Piece of shit." She growled at me. I didn't know how to feel. I was irritated that she disrespected me. But, at the same time I was alright with it due to the sight I was beholding. "Do you have any idea what you have done?!" I was getting lectured for some reason. I wasn't gonna have that.

"Before you start lecturing me... Who the fuck are you and why are you naked?!" I must have gave off a proud essence about myself, cause she just scowled at me. "You should already know who I am! Miss Let's Make A Love Potion!" I blinked a few times before it finally clicked.

"Blake?! My cat?! But, your so sexy! I-I mean... You should have died! Wait... Is this beastiality if I say my cat is sexy?" I pondered the question further in my had as my once very cute kitty got up and grabbed the remains of the last ingredient and the book. I couldn't stop myself from checking out her body.

"For one, the potion requires some sort of dna from the person or thing you want to have love you. Not my favorite cat toy!" Her voice rose as she showed me the remains.

"But, you play with it so much I thought it had enough of your dna. I didn't think you'd go chasing it." I stood up rubbing the spot on my head where I got knocked out.

Blake looked around at the ingredients I used. "Also, a third of the ingredients you put in wasn't even supposed to go in there! No wonder I came out human!"

I smiled trying to ease the tension. "I thought some of them would be close enough to replacing the ones I didn't have. Some of those ingredients are expensive!"

The raven haired girl facepalmed herself with the book. I don't think I've ever seen her so irritated before. Even as a kitty. "Your an idiot Yang... As for your question, you altered my genetics making me come out as a human. The reason I continue to carry my cat ears is because not all of me could change."

Ok. New goal. Since she's now human its time to turn this kitty love into actual love. "Great! Let's get some clothes on you!"

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