"Thanks Trina see you then"

Helena practically ran out the door. At least someone on this production knew what they were doing and having the afternoon would be a blessing. It was early enough that she might be able to convince Moira to grab lunch with her. It had been a trying week and her aunt had been working long hours for the last couple of weeks getting the lab ready for the launch of Stark's new power source. They just kept missing each other at home. Helena hit the call button on her phone and listened to the monotone ring.

"Helena, wasn't expecting to hear from you so early aren't you supposed to have rehearsal till 5?"

"Hey Moira, they let me out early today, figured I would check in and see if you wanted to have lunch? You've been so busy lately I haven't been able to catch you at home."

"Absolutely sweet heart I've got about 10 more minutes on the projection I'm running and then I can meet you, the café down on the corner at 1:30 work for you?"

"Perfect, I will see you then."

Helena hung up the phone and began walking toward the café. There were a few near the tower but she knew which one her aunt was talking about. They would often grab coffee or a piece of pie there when Helena was attending Julliard. They had celebrated at least 3 birthdays there since moving to New York and even if it wasn't the highest standard of food it still felt like home.

The bell over the door jingled as Helena pushed it open. Making her way towards an empty booth she waved at Beth who was wrapping silverware up in the corner. Her aunt and her had been eating lunch or breakfast here once a week like clock work for 7 years and Beth had been working here just as long. She had started at NYU for musical theater the same year that Helena had started at Juilliard and somehow found time to work a job on top of her studies. She was one of the few people that Helena would call a friend which was probably a little sad as she only saw Beth when Moira and her were here for their weekly "date".

Helena knew what Moira would say "Ask the girl to hang out some time. Seeing her at her job does not count. You should have friends your own age and not just Mrs. Talbot and her cat."

Mrs. Talbot was great. She never asked anything of Helena and she told the best stories about growing up in Brooklyn alongside Steve Rogers and James Barnes. Who knew if they were true but it was always a treat to hear about the famous duo before they were famous and the antics they would get up too. Mr. Moon her cat was always up for snuggles so Helena made a point to check in on the two of them regularly. It wasn't hard and it made her happy. So what if she didn't have a lot of close friends she did just fine with what she had.

Helena was so lost in thought she didn't realize Beth had made her way over to the table. She had gotten better over the last year at tuning out the extra noise in the world around her. It wasn't perfect but it was a start. Beth plopped herself into the booth across from Helena.

"Helen of Troy, what brings you here on this sunny Tuesday afternoon? Not your usual time. You almost missed me."

Helena winced at the nickname. She was positive that she was no Helen of Troy but when your name was Helena and the person who coined the name was a Greek mythology fanatic there was no getting away from it.

"Hi Beth. I got out of my rehearsal early so I figured why not see if Moira wanted to get lunch and you know how she feels about this place."

"Don't I ever. Let me go let Jenny know you're here. I'm technically off but I'll grab you a coffee on my way back over and we can chat until Moira gets in."

Beth walks over to the door behind the counter, pops her head in the back room then grabs a pot of coffee and a cup on her way back over. She fills another patrons cup and then sits down across from Helena.

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