Chapter Twelve- Christmas Leave

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Today I go back to the burrow and celebrate Christmas. Something I never got to do with Bellatrix and Severus. I am excited to be going home. I love Hogwarts but I miss having family around. As we find a seat, I become nervous. Dane hasn't sent a letter recently and doesn't know where I am going now. I hope she writes while I am gone. I look out the window as the train pulls us along. My whole family sits in one train car. Morgan and Charlie sit next to each other. Harry and Ron beside them. Fred and George next to Ginny, who is also beside me. I can't wait to see Molly and Arthur again. I want to be home with family and away from the attempts to harm me. I want to experience mg first Christmas with the family I really belong with. I close my eyes and picture the Christmas trees that lined the great hall, before we left. The one in the girls dorm and in our common room. The lights that twinkle from them. I picture them decorated like they were. The warm feeling I get when I think about it makes me smile.

"Someone is happy." Says Ron.

"Oh, shut up." I say.

"Come on, it's Christmas, everyone is happy. I am happy hermione is finally back to normal. Even if it came last night." Saga Ginny.

"Me too. I am glad she can return to her family and do Christmas things with them." I say.

"What did you do for Christmas all these years?" Asks Ron.

My face falls, "I didn't do anything. I wasn't allowed out if my room as they had parties. I spent the day with myself wishing I was able to join the party."

"We will show you how it's done. We are arriving at kings cross. Let's get ready." says Charlie.

I put my jacket on and stand to wait for us to be allowed off the train. When it's our turn, I see Molly waiting and Arthur is behind her. We get off and I hug them both tightly. I feel tears running down my face. Molly hugs me as we walk from the station to the car. I sit next to her and for some reason I can't drop the tears.

"You are safe. It's fine. I love you my sweet daughter." She says, "Nothing will happen. We won't let it."

I smile and calm myself. As we drive out of London, I feel safe again. I watch the changing landscape as we drive. It's so beautiful and amazing. It's wonderful being able to see it. The snow glistening from the sun and it makes it mesmerizing. We reach the burrow in no time and I smile. I am home. We go inside and are instructed to sit at the table. The house is decorated for Christmas. It's beautiful. From where I sit, I can see the tree. It's hot decorated but it's twinkling with lights. The smell of cookies fills the air and I love the feeling. Molly and Arthur come in with smiles.

"Like every year, we are allowing you all to decorate the tree. The ornaments are out and ready. After we decorate the tree, we will have cookies and hot chocolate. This year is special as we have Avalee with us now. Our family is finally complete." Says Molly.

"We know she didn't get a chance to celebrate Christmas with us before and are making this one special. So we will be passing out gifts this year and you kids get to just sit and unwrap." Says Arthur.

"Tonight while we have cookies and chocolate, you will be given a number. That number will tell you when we will go shopping for your secret Santa. We are doing our secret Santa. Each of us will have one and you will be given money to shop for that person with one of us. We won't know who you are shopping for so keep it a secret. Let's go decorate the tree." Says Molly.

Everyone stands and goes into the living room, where boxes surround the tree. Everyone begins to dog into boxes and I watch them hang things on the tree. I don't want to interrupt their tradition so I stay back and watch. I can't help but feeling panic as I watch them work as a family and I am an outside. The room stills and everyone looks at me. Molly brings me an ornament and hands it to me. It's an Angel with a date in it. The words, rest in peace little angel, painted above the date.

"We made it for you the year we were told we lost you. I want you to hang it on the tree." Says Molly.

She leads me to the tree and I hang the ornament in front. I feel tears run down my face again. This time in sadness, they had to celebrate without me. I can't imagine being without them now. She hugs me and the others resume decorating the tree. I dry my eyes and join in. It feels nice being able to prepare for Christmas for the first time. After we finish the tree we go back to the table and have cookies and chocolate. While we ear Arthur writes our names on pieces of paper and ads them to a hat. Everyone is watching him. Then he passes the hat around starting with Molly. She takes one and passes it to Charlie. He takes one and passes it on. It reached me and I grab one and had it to Arthur. I look at my paper and smile. I got Molly.

"Now that we all have our names. We will begin our trips to Diagon Alley tomorrow. Don't tell anyone who you got until Christmas eve. You may go up and go to bed or unpack your small bags. We love you all." Says Arthur.

I walk up to the room Ginny and I share and sit on my bed. What will I get Molly? What does she like? I know nothing about her, except she loves making things like crafts. I could get her craft things, or maybe something that would show her I love her as a daughter should. This is all confusing to me. I wish I could ask someone for help. I don't unpack my bag because we will be leaving again soon. I don't want to get too comfortable here, for now. I hear a scratch and look up an owl has a letter in it's beak. I take it out and see Mollys name on it. I take it down to her and she smiles.

"Thanks, I've been waiting for this letter for a while." She says, "It's a letter about our court case against the doctor who lied to us about you."

"Court case?" I ask.

"We are asking him for money because he lied to us. We believe he owes us that much."

I nod and leave the room again.

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