Vol 1 - 3: Arrival - Part 3

Start from the beginning

But their killer, a deranged psychopath, hellbent on killing anything or anyone that moved if it promised him blood.

But, he didn't want to be a violent individual. He really didn't. All he wanted was to farm potatoes, relax and bask in the sun, and maybe, just maybe, have a family when he felt like settling down.

But the voices. The voices prevented him from doing all of that.

They would not go ignored.

They refused to let him rest.

They required blood. They NEEDED blood.

They chanted his name in the battles he had fought. They demanded he massacred all that stood before him, regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religion.

They demanded Blood for their Blood God.

If all mortals were going to die, why not be the cause of their pitiful deaths?

He let a small snarl escape his lips. He needed to calm down. If he didn't, he would get all worked up for nothing. The thrill of the hunt would have to wait.

Right now, he needed to go get Dream and lead him back to camp. Knowing him, he was probably lost since he was shit with directions.

Just as the half-piglin was about to get up, he saw that unmistakable mask show up in the distance, his free hand carrying a torch, but on his shoulder was something that unnerved him.

It was a person, dressed in a white robe of sorts, and from what he could tell, based on the hair, it was a girl, and from how short she was, she was probably young, but until he saw her face, he wouldn't be able to be sure.

"Dream, when I said to get food, I didn't say to kidnap children. We're not cannibals," Techno growled as Dream let out an exasperated sigh.

"No, I actually killed a wolf. I have its meat in my inventory. I brought the kid to give us information. She passed out from... fear? Yeah, fear, I think, on my way back to camp. I got lost on my way here, all the trees and stuff look the same, so it took me a while to actually get back here." As Dream spoke, he put the kid down by the tree and brought out a lead.

Techno watched as he tied the girl to the tree, hands first and feet second. "So, you're just going to let her contract hyperthermia out here? She's barely wearing anything, to begin with, and I'm sure that robe won't be warm enough for the night," Technoblade stated dryly as Dream rolled his eyes under his mask.

"No, obviously not. She's going to use your cloak. Hope you don't mind that." As Dream spoke, he finished tying the knot around her feet as Techno scoffed. The masked man was starting to get on his nerves a little, but he needed to keep his cool.

This was Dream, a person who loved to push other people's buttons, and if he was going to survive with Dream, he needed to learn to get used to that type of personality more.

"Fine, but only because I don't want the first person we meet to die in the cold. But my question, is why tie her up in the first place? Is she dangerous?" Technoblade asked, taking off his cloak as Dream shook his head.

"Nah, I just don't want her to escape. Plus, if she doesn't want to talk, I could always make her, when she wakes up, of course," Dream stated, holding his axe dangerously close to the girl as Technoblade felt a chill go down his spine.

Of course, Dream was always like that, and even he was, to an extent. However, the pink-haired man simply let out a breath of annoyance. Throwing the man his cloak, Dream put his axe away and caught it in succession. Draping it over the girl, he walked over to the campfire and brought out the meat he had collected.

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