Chapter 1.1

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Brocon and sleepyhead.

??? Pov ( You know who)

My life has always been a race albeit a race without any participants. Only me, alone .

I've spent all these years chasing after the one person who I acknowledge in order to get his acknowledgment . It doesn't matter if I am alone, it doesn't matter if I have no one to talk to,it doesn't matter if people hate me;I will always strive to become the best and one day reach my brother .( guessed it yet)

That is the reason i choose this school. A school worthy of me which can help me grow even stronger by making me compete against people like me, a school for elites.

And yet the scene i am seeing is by no means a good one. I'm in a bus going to my destination which is filled with other students and people alike .Two students have been arguing for quite a long time abot giving the priority seat to an elderly. I could have give up my seat but I am not the type to do so, so i just sat on my seat reading my book. And then i heared some faint sound of someone mumbling.I turned my head to see a boy around my age peacefully sleeping on his seat despite the commotion going on.No ,on second thought, he was just pretending to sleep, maybe to avoid giving up his seat. So low ;I would never wanna befriend people like him pretending to be what they are not. The same goes for the girl. Kushida kikyo, a student of the same school I was in, I somewhat knew her character and hence wanted to avoid talking to her.Haah, this is going to be a long argument.

As i was thinking that,the same boy who was pretending to sleep sprang up and from his seat and started stretching his arms.What is he even doi-

"Ano, I am pretty irritated of your argument ,so the old lady can take my seat"

My thought was cut short by him as he proceeded to give his seat and started going towards the back and stopped infront of a person.I was curious as to why he was standing there and decided to look .

The bus stopped and the person infront of the boy started gatting out and as he did he sat down and started sleeping again.

Was it a coincidence? If yes then it was pretty lucky for him .

If not then, it seems i have made a mistake .Whatever

And then I once again focused on the book i was reading.

Kiyo POV

I got tired of the commotion happening and decided to stop it though that would involve me giving up my seat. There are three stops left till we reach the school.We are nearing a stop near a buisness area. I took a quick peak at my surroundings and saw a salaryman in formal attire. He quite a big bag probably for documents, he was quite nervous probably because he had an interview.

I saw him staring at a vacancy sheet earlier however I couldn't get the exact details of the sheet. I thought for a moment and formulated a plan.

I then got up my seat and stretched a little and said,

"Ano, I am pretty irritated of your argument so the old lady can take my seat"I the started going towards the salaryman and stood beside him.The girl who was staring at me earlier looked at me curiously while the old lady was thanking me.

The bus stopped, the salaryman got off and i sat in ths seat and proceeded to sleep.Well the stop after this is a residential area so the old lady should get off too or not.The man was easy to figure out since I saw the vacancy and assumed that he would get off which happened, not bad myself.

Timeskip to the school

I got off the bus as i started walking towards my school however I waited for a while to talk to a certain black haired girl first. It seemed like she wanted to talk to me for some reason .

As I was thinking that a girl with short bolnde hair got off and walked to wards me and said,"Thanks for giving up your seat to the grandma ,I am Kushida Kikyo by the way nice to meet you"

I had a little doubt but now it's confirmed , I should not associate myself with her.

The way she spoke to the blonde student her some minor changes in her facial expressions made it clear the she was acting,probably for popularity.

It happened to me many times in the whiteroom where some childern would try to befriend me only to trash talk behind my back and later tried to abuse me ,keyword here 'tried'.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. And yeah it's okay some body would have done that out of guilt anyways" I replied not wanting to further continue the conversation.

" Oh yeah , you seen pretty sleepy did you not have enough sleep before coming here?" She asked

" No, it's just i am sleepy most of the time ." I replied with a sleepy voice

"I see , see you later then bye" she said as she left for the school.

The black girl also came out and said, " What are you looking at?"

" You , who else? " I replied which got me a little glare from her

" You seemed to be staring at me for quite a while, I was wondering if you wanted to say something?"

" Yes, I wanted to ask if that was a coincidence or intentional."She said

" What do you mean?" I said as I slightly tilted my head to the side.

She sqinted her eyes for a second and replied, " Nothing, I don't want to waste more of my time talking to you . The entrance ceremony has started you should leave as well" she said as she started walking towards the entrance.

Well here we go then ....

So that's it ,how's the second chapter. Hope you enjoyed it 

So today I was searching for some good fics and i found none intresting . I was wondering if anybody wrote a story with a sleepy Kiyotaka and I found none. So i wrote it myself.Tee~hee

I have not decided on the ships cause i wanted to keep this a no relation fic though i now have some plans for kamuro and arisu.Well i would still like to know your opinion .

As for kiyo's class i have to go for class A or C cause why not? Don't worry I won't make class D trash if a placed him in other classes . I won't place him in class B cause it just doesn't suit his personality but if you want I can do that too.

Anywaya thats for this chapter , the next ones gonna be a bit longer so look forward to it.

And don't forget 


Total length- 1.1k

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