"Here's an extra key to the house for you to lock up whenever you two decide to head out. You can stay as long as you want." Emma placed a key on the counter in front of Julia. Julia looked at her and nodded.

On the way to school, I kept looking at the passenger side mirror to see how Alyx was doing in the backseat. She hasn't said anything, and usually, she's very chatty. But she looked so depressed, and I understood completely. Watching one of your good friends crying, like the way Asha was, is never an easy thing to witness. It especially hits you hard when you can't be there for them. Alyx can be there for her later; right now, Asha needs her grandma.

"We love you both very much and will be right here when you get out of school." Neither kid buged, though. Instead, they just stayed staring at Emma and me.

"Is she going to be an okay momma?" I turned to look at Aleksey, who had a very concerned look on his face. I exhaled a deep breath and looked at Emma.

"She's going through a very tough time right now. But with the help and support of her grandma and all of us, she'll be okay." I'm glad Emma responded first.

"What is going on?" I again looked at Emma, and she looked back at me. I didn't know if it was our place to say anything, to be honest.

"How about you both just wait till Asha talks to you about it herself." Alyx wasn't happy with the answer I gave her.

"Fine. Come on, let's go in now before we're late." Aleksey gave me a semi-apologetic look as he made his way out of the car.

"Damn, I've never seen her that upset before." I looked over to Emma and found her clenching her hands tightly around the steering wheel. I reached out and put my hand on her thigh.

"What's wrong, baby?" She briefly glanced at me, and that's when I saw it. She was trying not to cry.

"I just don't like to see anyone in my family hurting this bad. Seeing Asha like that kills me, and the fact that Alyx and Aleksey are extremely concerned makes me upset. I feel like a horrible parent because I can't shield them from this." I lightly squeezed her thigh.

"You're not a horrible parent. Unfortunately, we can't shield our kids from life, Em. The only thing we can do is be there for them. We will get through this, all of us, remember?" She took in a deep breath, and I saw her grip on the steering loosen a bit.

"Together." I grabbed her hand in response to what she said.

"Together. No matter what, I'll always be right next to you." I whispered out affectionately to her. The drive the rest of the way home was done in silence. 

When we got back to the house, Julia and Asha weren't there. I hope they both are doing as okay as they can be right now. I know it will be a very long and exhausting day for both of them. I already know it will be very taxing on their mental health. Thinking about them right now was spiraling me into a deep depression. I still hadn't fully bounced back after what I did for Emma, and all of this horrible shit happening isn't helping.

"You know this is the first time we've been home with it being just the two of us in a long time." Emma looked at me, and there was a hint of something in her voice. I couldn't quite place it, though.

"Yeah, I know; it's weird how quiet it is." Emma stalked over to me, looking at me like she was a predator hunting down their prey. To say that I wasn't intimidated would be a flat-out lie.

"Well, then. How about we do something about that?" There that tone was again. Then it hit me. She's being suggestive right now. She leaned down and kissed my neck, slightly nipping. My breath caught in my throat.

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