CHAPTER 28- I'm so sorry

Start from the beginning

It stopped once I started living with Arjun but now he himself will bring it back which scaring the life out of me.

He kept a rectangular box on the counter and looked at me again, this time his eyes softened making me relieved a little, but that didn't last long.

I look into his eyes trying to find any emotions but nope, I find none.

This guy has done a PhD on skillfully masking emotions. 

We were now staring at each other, but it wasn't like the other days, this felt...not all.

Suddenly he broke eye contact and started to walk again, I inhaled sharply getting extremely nervous. I gulped as he inched closer but he just walked past he was oblivious to everything that went down a few minutes ago...or hours, not the point.

I quickly jump into action and grab his wrist, I knew I wasn't strong enough to hold him and prevent him from moving so he can just walk away but he actually stopped.

"Where do you think your going?" I asked walking forward not removing my hand from his wrist.

He just gives me a blank look while I raised my brows for him to answer.

He sighed and released his wrist from my grip and went into the room and was about to close the door but my reflexes are fast.

I got hold of the door.

"Nah-uh not happening, you can't just yell at me for no reason and then ignore me, not letting that happen. You will come out of there and explain yourself." I stated not moving and put on my best serious face.

He just rolled his eyes at me.

Did...he just....the audacity of this bloody jerk!

He was about to close the door, this face looked like he had enough of me but guess what, I've had enough of him as well.

"Don't you dare close that door." I say through gritted teeth.

He raised his eyebrows "Why do you care?" he asked casually.

I swear his voice can end up freezing people with the amount of coldness it has.

Not the time!


I scoff "Why do I care? Lets see, you randomly burst out yelling at me for god knows what, you nearly killed us with your driving and you broke my freaking PHONE!!!" my voice was raised by the end while I glared at him.

"I got you a new one." he pointed to the counter behind me.

"Doesn't change or undo the damages you've caused Arjun." I say frustrated and irritated.

"Will you stop over reacting?" he had an annoyed look on.

"Yeah right I'm the one over reacting." I smile the sweetest smile.

What the hell is with him?

"What the heck happened?" I asked furrowing my brows in confusion.

Feels like I asked a bad question, he stiffened and started glaring at me. But soon shook his head, closed his eyes and turned around.

He ran his fingers through his already messy air, which looks like he ran his fingers through it a lot. His left hand settled on his hips when he turned around and said.

"Lets just drop this, I don't have the energy to fight with you." he turned around and was about to walk into the room when I shook my head at him in disbelieve and spoke.

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