I kissed back hungrily, desiring more than the oxygen that he was passing me through open lips. I wanted to belong, and for a second I figured it could be with Salt Lake City's Alpha, just for a minute longer. My breathing calmed, and I could inhale properly, allowing me to fully appreciate the natural scent of Ethan along with the cologne that brought me back from hell.

"You need rest, and then the pack want to see you, they've all missed you." I gave a small smile in response, fiddling with my fingernail and looking down at my knees. "And then we're going to eat something and spend the evening in the library if that's okay?" His tone was soft and sincere, one I hadn't been used to in so long and I'd missed it. I nodded in agreement and awkwardly got off of the Alpha's lap, stumbling almost immediately but Ethan caught me, standing me upright and escorting me into bed. I got settled but paused when I realised Ethan hadn't joined me.

"Can... Can you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep because I know you're busy and-" He cut me off with a laugh, and even my inner wolf knew how much I'd missed hearing that sound.

"Princess I abandoned everything to travel across the country to come save you, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Whatever you need, I'm here." The smile he gave me had every fibre of my being tingling with happiness, but I focused on getting some sleep because I wanted to be awake for long enough later to spend some time with him. He slid under the comforter beside me and I instantly cuddled into his side, drifting off into a land where nothing could hurt me as long as I had Ethan by my side. 

I woke up a while later and Ethan was nowhere to be found, so I got up and stretched, all of my muscles feeling a lot better after food and the rest. I decided to seek out the workers and it was almost dinner time so I knew where they'd all be. I wandered into the kitchen and Raula dropped a glass in shock when she caught sight of me.

"Ace? Oh my goodness you're awake! Are you okay?" She rushed over to me, holding my cheeks with her fingers before embracing me in a tight hug. I smiled wide, having missed the comfort of my mother figure terribly

"Yeah, I'm fine. I woke up and couldn't find Ethan so I figured I'd come see you all. Do you want me to serve dinner?" I asked though Raula couldn't have looked more offended if she tried

"Don't be ludicrous! Go say hi to the others, they're in the living room." She paused before a smile broke out onto her face. "How about this, I'll let you serve Ethan if you want, he is eating with the pack before he's supposed to bring you food so you can surprise him?" I smiled back, loving that my mother figure was back on my side and I nodded, bidding her farewell before being bombarded by the workers in the living room.

"Ace you're back! By the Moon Goddess, we missed you! I had to do all the work and-" Adolfina cut Louvel's rant short, embracing me in a quick hug and a smile before dragging her twin back to the sofa. That left Jet who stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, hands shoved deep into his overalls.

"Ace... I don't even know what to say? Do I apologise? I don't even-" I cut him off with a short laugh, remembering how his apology ended last time

"It's fine, we're good. I'm just happy to be back with everyone." I joined them on the sofa but they were watching the werewolf news and they were playing the story of Z'ev's capture, so the television was quickly turned off. After an awkward silence, everyone stood for dinner and I felt exhausted from the brief socialisation I'd had today already

"... Just sit down Ethan she won't have gone far." I heard Raula scolding the Alpha in the dining room and stifled a laugh. He must have been into the West Wing to check on me and I'd disappeared again. Taking a deep breath, I seemed to be filled with nerves but tried to relax, knowing that this was all for fun to tease him, but I honestly didn't know what his reaction would be to seeing me 'working' again. Deciding to have even more fun, I took my hair down from the style Honi had put it in to piss him off more. I noticed his plate on the counter and as soon as Raula returned, looking flustered, I quickly moved into the dining room where the Alpha's eyes were on me immediately. I even remembered wolf etiquette of looking down, though my red hair fell in front of my face, as planned. I placed the crockery on the table and stepped back, flinching slightly when Ethan emitted a low growl but took a deep breath and refocused myself

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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