Chapter 28

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They stopped kissing when the screams came to an abrupt halt.

"I'm assuming Nik killed the witch," said Eisa as she and Hayley made their way to one of the drawing rooms, which had had a sink installed in it. "Well, brother," she watched him wash his hands and face to get the blood off, "that's a wonderful way to start the day."

"The torture, yes. Learning that our mother has Elijah captive, no."

"That bitch," said Eisa lowly. "She could have him anywhere. I could have one of my witches do a Locator Spell..."

"No," said Klaus, pulling his shirt up to wipe his face down. "Esther is too powerful. She won't easily be found. I need to draw her out."

He started to shut the sliding doors that would separate them, but Hayley stopped him. "Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm going to change my shirt," said the hybrid, "and then I'm going to find my brother." He started to shut the doors again, but Hayley thrust her arm between them.

"Klaus!" she hissed. "Let me come with you!"

The hybrid rolled his eyes. "Absolutely not. Eisa's just returned after being stabbed by Mikael with Papa Tunde's blade. She needs her rest, and you must keep her company."

"That's absurd!" said Eisa. "I won't remain here while Elijah's out being tortured by our mother. I want to go with you to draw her out."

"Out of the question. Our father got his hands on you and by some miracle, he let you live even though he had the white oak stake that would have ended you permanently. I will not give our mother the opportunity to harm you. Stay here, Eisa. I know you both wish to help, but you can't. Esther is wretched, we all know that. She will target Hayley in order to thwart the both of us, and we can't very well save Elijah if we're busy saving her, and each other, can we, Sister?"

"How about you run errands with me?" said Hayley. "The wolves need more things. We could go to the store together then come straight back."

Eisa knew she was really saying, 'Let's go do our own bit, against your brother's wishes.'

"Sure," said the Original. "I've apparently nothing better to do."

They waited until Klaus was gone to chat about it.

"Oliver's being held captive by Finn," said Hayley. "I need to save him. But you and I can't do that alone. I think we need to go find Jackson. So... I need you to lead me wherever it is that you saw that mystery wolf."

Eisa's mouth felt dry, but she forced a smile. "Sure. Do you have a plan, to get Finn out of the way? If I'm to be with you—"

"I do have a plan, actually. Come on, let's go see Marcel."

They used their vampire speed to carry them to Algiers. In his loft, they heard him speaking with Gia.

"There's no sign of Elijah anywhere," Gia reported.

"Yeah, the humans I know said the same thing," confirmed Marcel. "Maybe Klaus is having better luck?"

"No, he's not," announced Hayley as they walked in, "which sucks, considering how low the bar is around here. Listen, you two up for a rescue mission?"

Gia looked excited as she asked, "Are we going after Elijah?"

"Unfortunately no," said Eisa. "Nik is adamant about doing that bit alone, and I'm allowing it, because I just had an idea that will allow me to beat Esther to a pulp without worrying she'll body jump."

"We're talking about Oliver," said Hayley. "Now, he and Elijah were fighting the werewolves together. I've heard that Oliver's been captured and is about to be executed. Now, look—- if we can save Oliver, then we might be able to find out where Elijah is."

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