6:The Training Centre

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The elevator descended down underground.I looked through the clear sugar glass walls of the elevator,spinning liquorice wire wiring to take us down to the training center.We come to a stop and the doors open with a woosh.I look at the training center.The sweet stone walls and floor gleam,and it is filled from one side of the room to another with practising dummies,targets,trees to climb,and lots of survival stations lined from the walls.The only clear space was in the center of the room where tributes would line up and get a speech from the supervisor,which prevented tributes from fighting(because that was supposed to do it in the arena) and called for the medical team if someone did get hurt.Most of the tributes are lined up,and we look like we're one of the last to arrive.We line up,waiting for the rest of the tributes to come.I challenge Prae to a game of sandwich,and we are halfway through our third round when the last of the tributes walk through the elevator doors.Then the instructor blows her whistle and it emits a shrill sound which catches everybody's attention,putting Prae and my sandwich match to an end.She introduced herself as Brittny,and I'm surprised her name isn't related to ice cream.At school back in ten,it was Sweeticam law that district children had to learn all about ice cream and important people and the Candy Queen.Brittny tells us to line,up,which we do,and she happily says she is very happy to help us train for "the big day."But of course,there are rules."she begins."No fighting,that is for the arena.Don't damage or steal,and don't kill yourself.In about three weeks time,23 of you will be dead and one will stand as the proud victor.May the odds be ever in your flavour and happy traning!"

The tributes run to different areas of the training center,and all the careers race to the weapons to show off their skills with the weapons,melee and ranged.Some of the tributes went to climb trees and learn to tie knots and nooses.I focus on not being seen by the careers as a target,as they usually kill their strongest opponents first to avoid problems later.So i decide to learn something new.Being from district 10,with its open wide fields,it is perfect for running.I had many races with Quoy,so I'm pretty fast,but there isn't much trees,and if there is something I know about about the games,there is always trees,whether it be a short shrub or a towering tree with chocolate bark.I went to the climbing area held onto a piece of bark and then my other hand.Then I put my foot upon another bark,then my other foot.But something about my position was wrong,and I fell down and heard a cracking noise.Some tributes turned to look.I was embarrassed,being stared down by every one,and the girl from one giggled in a high tone.I got up,and disappeared into the fire making station,and a minute later,everything was back to normal,everyone doing their own thing.I sat and watched the boy from three desperately try and make a fire,but unsuccessful.Then the girl from seven walks over and makes one herself.After rubbing wood over wood and blowing,a hearty fire is blazing.She smiles,pleased,and the boy from three looks over jealousy.I try and copy what the girl from seven did,and soon,I also have a fire blazing.Achievement unlocked!I create a few more fires and rememberize what materials to use,and really get the hang of it.After that,Brittny tells us in ten minutes we will be dismissed and we will head down to dinner.I use the time to ask a peacekipper for get pen and paper,and he hands me a crumpled piece if yellow parchment and a pen with a crack and limited ink.I scribble down in my messy yet clearly understandable handwriting the list of things I wanted to learn,and when.I ticked off creating a fire and looked at my plan.Tomorrow I would memorise plants,as the arena had a big range of flora,useful and deadly.Then I would stalk the other tributes to find out their strengths and weaknesses,then practice with weaponry.That was tricky,as I didn't want the careers to think of me as a threat.I thought and worked out that once I threw a knife or whatever,I would hide behind something and when the careers turned to see,they would assume it was another person.After that,try another attempt to learn to climb,then study on animals,and revise on the last day of training .And on top of that,I would watch past games and the reapings for other tributes while eating dinner,as Marl said it was always a source for ideas and strategies.I smiled at my plan,and Brittny blew her whistle,announcing training was over for the day.I walked out,but I tripped over something.I almost landed on my face,but I twisted around swiftly and landed on my back.I look and see the girl from one,who is smirking poisonously.

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