5:the parade

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The tributes parade was coming up later this night.The tributes parades was a chance to attracts sponsors and show off your district pride.The tributes would be dressed in costumes that were related to our districts,wave and smile.The costumes that were most loved by the capitol were crowned the "Best dressed tributes" and would win sponsors,who would send you gifts during the games,and appear in the front page of Andersen Fashion magazine.Our stylist walked through the doors and shook our hands.

"Evening,all.District 10 eh?"we nod."Well I'm Sobret and I have some designs for you.Have a look."

We looked and gape.Two costumes,one a jumpsuit and one with a short skirt and both withe boots explained the whole story of how to make marshmallows.At the collar,a field of pigs,and some steam to represent the boiling.That was gelatin,where pigs bone and skin would be boiled.Then at the boobs where a stream of blue.That was the water,healthy and dangerous.Experts handled it carefully back at home.Below that,A a small patchwork corn starch bottle,Then a skirt of sparkly sugar and a trouser for Prae,it represented the sugar.The boots where like the main suit,but minimized."I-it's beautiful.I love it"I remarked"I do too"Prae followed."Well,wear it.The parades starting soon."Sobret instructed.

The dazzling lights blind me.We are in our beautiful costumes,and I squeeze my token,Lera's gift.Sobret gives us a thumbs up and winks.Then he taps the horses that carry the carriage and it pulls.We emerge to a large stadium,Sweeticam people in extravagant clothes and makeup and hair scream and cheer.Prae is same as when we first arrived.He gives a charming smile,but I am unforgivable,for tearing me away from my home.I give them withering glances but dont sneer,as they would greatly be disgusted and I may not get any sponsors at all.I kiss my token and raise it,so if my family and Lera are watching from their small and often-static-televisions,they would know I miss them and will get back to them.In front of us are district 9,two kids that are the same age,both with black hair but the boy was slightly more tanned,wearing a crown of wheat and a dress of braided grain.At the very front are district one,both so far from our carriage and all I see is a sparkly rainbow streak.At that moment,all the spotlights turn to a balcony.The Queen.She gives a sly smile.The ruler of all of Candyland and the cruel one who created the games to punish us of ever rebelling against them because THEY CONSUME OUR CANDY WE MADE.And us districts were angry and fought them.The Sweeticam won,though,and punished us with 100 years of torture.And yayyyyy,we are 66 years in,34 years to go.She begins her speech.

"Welcome,welcome all squishmallows,to the 66th SQUISH GAMES!"she said triumphantly,raising her hands into a Y shape."Please welcome,the tributes!"Every squishmallow cheered and some threw their ridiculous neon and pastel mini-hats that were held onto their heads py pins.The tributes pause the waves and some stare,some glare at the candy queen.She thanks us and sends us away,the horses turn around and we head back to Sobret who is smiling and doing a thumbs up with both thumbs.

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