Dylan is totally useless

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Junko lightly shakes the now sleeping Dylan.
"Hey. Wake up."
He wakes up, grinning.
"Finally changed your mind, baby girl? You wanna be with me?"
Junko crosses her arms and scowls. "No, idiot. I'm going to break out of this place, and I need your help."
His grin grows even wider and he rubs his hands together.
"Ooh, that's dangerous. You're a bad girl, eh? I'll help you."
Junko just barely refrains from kicking him in the face. Anything to get out of this place...
"Alright. I'll need you to get a paperclip first."
He scoffs. "There's one on the toilet, dummy."
She turns around, and lo and behold, there's a paperclip sitting right on the toilet seat.
"Ah, thanks."
She reaches out to grab it, but her hand slips. Her wrist flicks the paperclip away, and it goes down...
Right into the toilet.
Dylan pipes up from behind her. "Uh oh, that was the only paperclip in this place. Looks like you're in trouble..."
"Ugh! Just shut up, Dylan!"
"What, are you gonna reach in there and grab it or something?"
"Yep. I've got nothing to lose."
Dylan actually looks shocked. "Wait, really?"
Saying nothing, she closes her eyes and plunges her arm inside. It doesn't take long before she feels a smooth, cold piece of metal that must be the paperclip. She grabs it and pulls her arm out as quickly as possible, feeling disgusted at what she had just done.
"Got it."
Dylan looks appalled. "Wow. You really did it."
"And I'm ready to break out now."
"With just a paperclip?"
Junko looks at the tiny thing in her hand. "Well, yeah."

Junko's bad dayWhere stories live. Discover now