Bucky, Are You Listening?: Part 2

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You sat in your room, fiddling with the hems of your sleeves.  You hadn't left your room in days, constantly worrying about Bucky.  Only reason anyone saw you was to take blood or run tests, but you refused to leave. 

I didn't even know they could do that.

You look down at your hands, trying to channel the power again.  You knit your brows together in deep concentration, before a purple spark flickers to life.  Your eyes go wide, as you watch the purple flame dance in the palm of your hand in a mesmerized awe.

"Y/n!!" Steve exclaims, throwing open your door, and you clutch your hand, diminishing the flame.  Your heart is pounding.  Did they find a body?

"Bucky's alive."  The words hit you like a ton of bricks, knocking the air right out of your lungs.

"H-he... how?" you stutter, and Steve shakes his head, beckoning you to follow him.

"I don't have time to explain, but we found him, we know where he is!!" Steve informs you.  You waste no time jumping up from the bed, as Steve leads you to the elevator.  Your heart is pounding in your chest.  How did Bucky survive the fall, and was so quickly removed from the scene without anyone noticing?

The elevator doors slide open, and you follow Steve, walking with determination, clenching and unclenching your fist.

He pushes through glass doors and into a conference room.

"Okay, thank goodness," Tony says, before turning to the TV screen.  Everyone was seated around a conference table, and you plop down between Wanda and Nat.  You fiddle with the sleeves of your shirt once again, as you anxiously listen.

"Cams caught footage of Bucky robbing the residence of Veronica Mills, and then moving to this abandoned building here," Tony says, pointing to a spot on the map set up on the TV.

"So we go and get him," you say immediately.   Tony sucks in a breath, and shakes his head.

"It's not that easy Y/n.  We have reason to believe that Bucky is under the influence of the Winter Soldier program," Tony says, leaning against the table. Your brows come together.   You had heard about Bucky's past, how he was a forced assassin.

"But that doesn't mean we can't still get him!" you exclaim, heart pounding.  

"Y/n, it's not that easy.  Zemo has Bucky under his control, he can make Bucky do whatever he wants!!" Steve argues.  You shake your head once again.

"Who's Zemo?" you ask, trying to keep up with all the information coming at you at once.

"The guy who broke into the Tower.  He's the one who turned Bucky into the Winter Soldier," Steve explains.  You give a small nod, processing your thoughts.

"Was there any sign of Zemo?" Wanda asks, and Tony shakes his head.

"No.  We have no idea where he is," Tony says.  Steve sucks in a breath as everyone thinks on the situation.

"We have to go get him," Sam finally speaks up.  You snap your head to look at him, his eyes on you.  You didn't know Sam, but you had much more respect for him now.

"I-I don't know everything that Bucky w-went through, but from what he's told me and what I've heard it was hell.  We have to get him out of there... please... I-I need him," you sniffle, trying to keep your tears at bay.  You were terrified, barely able to move when you thought Bucky was dead.  But now that he was alive?  You had to get him, you just had to.

"... Okay.  We'll put together a team.  Steve, Sam, me... Wanda, Nat," Tony says, moving back to the board, explaining the plan. Your brows come together.

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