Three Dudes and a Y/n

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Episode 1

Pairing -  Bucky Barnes x reader

Warnings - angst, kissing

Summary - after the sexual tension has overflowed, you and Bucky can't take it anymore

This is going to be based off of New Girl literally love this show.  The setting is their apartment.  Maybe this will turn into a full blown series.

You are Steve's adopted sister.  Your were found at 18 years old after the attack on New York, and Steve adopted you as his sister.  And now ten years later, you, him, Sam, and Bucky all live together.

Who knows what will happen.


You open the door to your apartment, and freeze in he doorway.

"GIVE! IT! BACK!" Sam screams, twisting back Bucky's arm, as he lays on the floor and Sam sits on top of his back.

"AHHHHHHH!" Steve is screaming, as he stands on the counter, and tries to put out a fire on the stove with an extinguisher.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" You scream, dropping the groceries, and stepping over them to grab Sam's arm.

"HE! TOOK! MY! BROWNIE!" Sam screams, as you try to pull him off of Bucky.

"I THOUGHT THEY WERE FOR EVERYONE!!" Bucky screams, as you yank back on Sam, and you both go flying backwards.  Bucky jumps up, flipping his hair out of his head, and holding out the brownie in front of him.

"This brownie?" Bucky threatens, as you and Sam jump from the ground. 

"DOES NO ONE CARE ABOUT THE FIRE?!" Steve screams, jumping of the counter, and grabbing the water spraying, and spinning in circles.  The water splatters across you and you scream.

"YES THAT BROWNIE!" Sam cries, and Bucky shoves it into his mouth.

"NOOO!" Sam screams, as he charges at Bucky.  You jump between them, as Sam chases Bucky around you in circles, and Steve is still spinning with the water, the fire blazing, as you scream, water still splattering all over you.

"OKAY EVERYONE STOP!" You shout.  Bucky freezes in place, Sam on his back, and arm wrapped around Bucky's neck. Steve is frozen in place, the water still streaming on the fire.

"Bucky you are going to make Sam a new tray of brownies - "

"No!" Bucky whines, as Sam pumps his fist in the air.

"STEVE PUT OUT THAT FREAKIN FIRE RIGHT NOW!" You scream, stomping over to Steve, grabbing the fire extinguisher and aiming it at the fire, until it's out.  You throw the extinguisher to the ground, and turn to face the boys.

"Now help me clean up the groceries!!" You order, and they scurry over to help you put the groceries away.


You sit on your bed, when the door is thrown open.  You look up to see Bucky there smiling brightly.

"Hmm?" You hum.  

"Steve and Sam are gone!" He exclaims.  Your eyes go wide, and you throw your book aside.

"Really?  How long?!" You exclaim.  His eyes brighten.

"The rest of the night!!" He cries. You jump off the bed, and cheer.  Bucky takes your hands and you guys jump around in circles.

"We're home alone!  We're home alone!!" You both cheer, jumping in circles.

Bucky Barnes ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora