Chapter 29 - Bombshell

Start from the beginning

"Heh." Todoroki chuckled lightly, gazing into y/n's eyes, raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Yeah."

She giggled slightly and put her plate to the side. He scooted over closer to her. Y/n swung her legs around, placing her feet on the side table. She glanced at him playfully at him and patted her lap with a small grin. 

He smiled and took the hint, laying down on his back, his head in her lap. She stroked his hair back, twirling it around in his fingers. He sighed peacefully. 

"I would have done it sooner, but... I didn't really want the old man to see that we're dating." Todoroki sighed, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"...Oh?" she said quietly, raising an eyebrow as her smile dropped slightly. He then looked up at y/n with slight alarm, as if realising what she was thinking.

"It's not out of embarrassment, y/n, you know that. You know how I feel about you." he assured, staring deeply at her with his alluring eyes as he gave her a princely kiss on her hand. She smiled slightly and looked down, her cheeks pinkening. 

"I know." she nodded.

"I don't want you to have to deal with my scumbag father. Endeavour is... great as a hero, but as a person... well, you remember what I told you, right?" Todoroki said seriously, his head on y/n's lap as he played around with her hand, tracing circles in her palm. She nodded, a shiver going down her spine.

Now that I've seen Endeavour up close... I can only imagine what Shoto went through...

He laced his fingers in her hand and squeezed it tightly, locking an intense stare into her eyes, making her heart race. 

"I will never let him hurt someone I care about again." he said firmly. 

Y/n felt her heart begin to melt, touched by his protectiveness. She smiled heart-warmingly at his determined face. He got up and sat next to her, still grabbing her hand. She cupped his face lovingly and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kissed back, his hand on the back of her head and around her back. 

"OoOOOoOoOoOO OMG THEY'RE KISSING!!!" squealed a loud voice. 

Y/n turned her head to see Mina and Jirou, gawking at the couple behind the couch. She playfully rolled her eyes and grinned back at Todoroki.

"Woah-ho! You guys are really going at it!" exclaimed Sero, sliding in. 

"Yeah, damn!" nodded Denki, walking up next to Jirou. Y/n noticed Jirou tense up a little and blush. Denki nudged the purple-haired girl shyly. "Looks, ah, fun, huh?" he grinned nervously, making finger guns. Jirou smiled back ever so slightly before looking down, red-faced. 

"Y-yeah." she nodded in agreement. 

Y/n wiggled an eyebrow at Jirou, who twirled her earphone jacks anxiously around her finger. Todoroki narrowed his gaze at Jirou, then Denki, and then y/n. He suddenly tapped y/n on the shoulder.

"Hey." he said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Yeah, Sho?" y/n answered, turning around.

"Does this" he motioned his head towards Denki and Jirou, "have to do with the frozen food situation from the other day?" he asked genuinely. Y/n stared back at him, wide-eyed with surprise. She tried her best to hold back her laughter as he continued to look at her, completely serious.

He kind of missed the social cues... but I guess he has his own way of seeing things?

"Um... technically?" y/n answered. She giggled at him, finding his theorising adorable. 

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