"Why are all my family determined to piss me off? It's like you all want to be killed. It was easy enough killing Raina, she looked so innocent sleeping as I drove a silver knife through her heart..." Despite my earlier thoughts, bile rose to my throat as I heard my own brother recount all the ways he'd killed my family. Lucian was first, then my parents so Rafael could have the power, then he killed Raina in her sleep and my youngest sister Kiyiya as she played the piano. A tear slipped from my closed eyelids which earned a slap from Z'ev, who hated emotions and any sign of weakness.

"So Rafael just wants to kill his whole bloodline, delightful. Kurt? I imagine my darling Accalia would love to hear why you're involved in all of this." I tried with all my might to stop the tears from falling. I needed to be numb, but I wasn't quite there yet and still felt the weight of grief on my chest

"Well, it was easy. I didn't trust you when you turned up Accalia, but it wasn't hard to find your bloodline with red hair and blue eyes like that, Ethan is just too stupid to see it because he's so consumed by his hatred of the Farkas family." I knew all of this already, and I guess subconsciously I was counting on exploiting that to keep my cover safe for longer. "But it was when he started getting us to come search for you almost every damned day. I knew there was something going on and by the Moon Goddess, I could feel how he felt for you radiating off of him. It's disgusting, and I had to get you out of the picture." I was confused, if the Alpha had found love surely that would be good for the pack? Even if it was in the form of a rogue like me?

"But what does that matter? A mate for the Alpha would be good for the pack, and clearly, if you felt his emotions then that meant the pack would benefit from his better mood?" I shouldn't have spoken up, but I did and paid the price as Kurt landed a left hook, snapping my head to the left this time. That was followed by a kick to the ribs and I let out a silent strangled cry as I felt a few of them break inside of me. My inner wolf, as designed, was long gone as a form of protection, so I now healed like a human and in all of the medical shows Janie made me watch, it wasn't an easy recovery.

"It would be good. Except for the fact that an Alpha can't mate with a rogue unless the Moon Goddess blesses it and also the fact that he should've been mated with me!" Rafael, Z'ev and I's eyes all snapped to face Kurt, who seemed shocked at the revelation he'd made. So Kurt was in love with Ethan and that's why he hand-delivered me to my abuser? "I tried everything to catch his attention, but nothing strayed his focus the second you showed up. He wouldn't trust me with anything, wouldn't participate in events with me and every damned minute he was chasing after the pathetic rogue he dragged all the way from Irvine California." His words were harsh and filled with jealousy, though it was all a lot to process and none of it stirred any emotions inside of me.

"So what you're saying is, that you drugged me and brought me here out of the way so you can fuck the Alpha because you have a crush on him?" It was harder to talk with broken ribs but I was mocking and playing with fire but I seemed to find it hard to care. They'd torture me whether I stayed quiet or not, might as well see how much I can get away with. Unfortunately, that answer was clearly not much because Z'ev stamped on my knee that was bent beside me, causing a scream to rip from my chest and out of my throat. Everything felt like it was on fire and even breathing was harder now, due to the broken ribs and no doubt shattered knee. This elicited a laugh from the men in front of me but I had to keep composed, despite the increasing agony that radiated from my body.

"So we have a bloodthirsty brother and a horny gay motive my dear Accalia, isn't that fun? You've really been missing out in the 6 years since you've been gone. Of course, I've fucked a lot of women since you, but none of them felt as good as you did the first time I took your virginity." The words caused disgust to creep up my body and I shivered, partly due to the freezing temperature and the fact I was only in a thin white top and some athletic shorts. It didn't matter, because Z'ev moved quickly and punched my nose, causing a headache to burst throughout my brain and behind my eyes. My eyes watered but I blinked back tears, trying my hardest not to receive another shot like that.

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