Chapter 2

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*Cynthia's P.O.V.*


"Seriously Charlotte?"I groaned."Way to wake someone up."
Me and Charlotte are sisters in law but we are best friends.
"Sorry,wait,unknown number?"
She handed me the phone.I looked and of course.Charlotte always gets these types of things.I'm like a protective older sister.
"Hello?"I took the phone.
"Hi!"The voice chirped back.
"Um,who is this?"
"Oh right!Oops!Im Kian Lawley.Im a finer and a youtube star.I'm Friends with your dad Taylor."
"Yea,no,this is her sister Cynthia,what do you want."I said.I covered the phone and tossed my own to Charla."Look up Kian Lawley"
"My apologies Cynthia,but I would like to know if you and your sister Charlotte would like to be in O2L since you aren't in Magcon? Is this Charlotte's phone?"
"It's hers yea"
"May I speak to her?"He asked curiously.
I looked at her and her face dropped "The Kian Lawley Cnthy?" She emphasized the.
"Don't know,hey bro are you THE Kian Lawley?"
"Yes I am"He stated blankly.
"Yea he is,wanna speak?"I handed her the phone.She put it on speaker for me to hear.
"Yes it's me now Kian"She said kindly.
"Great!I was wondering if you and Cynthia was it?"
"Yes!Cynthia wanted to be in O2L?"
Her eyes widened and she smiled and her eyes practically begged me for permission. I smiled kindly and nodded.
"Of course! we'd be happy too!"
"Wonderful! Now can you get Cynthia on board? I don't think I can.She doesn't seem to like me."He said with a bit of sadness.
"Uh,bro?Im right here I'm just tired"I chuckled. "Yep I'm on board captain Kian"

He chuckled and replied "Great! Pack your things and meet us at StarBucks today at three!"
I chuckled and replied "Basic white bitch?"
"Basic white bitch"He repeated and I clicked the phone dead.

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