~ Sunset on the Balcony ~

Start from the beginning

She opened the final door to reveal a second, smaller lounge, more matching the theme of our shared bedroom. It included a double soft and comfy-looking couch as well as two armchairs that matched, a fire place, bookshelves with even more interesting books, and another window door. I turned my head to her and smiled as she went to open the doors, revealing yet another balcony yet a small one- a much more smaller one that wouldn't even fit the couch onto it.

She took me outside, holding my hand, and turned to face me. The wind had hit us gently as she stroked bits of my hair behind my ear and cupped my face with a caring look on hers. "You have no idea how much I love you." She whispered under her breath, my stomach flipping over and my heart leaping out of my system that I responded with almost a cry "Oh Bella- you have it all wrong- you have no idea how much I love you." My eyes watering as we - in synchronisation - went to crash our lips together, our hands roaming each others' bodies as we breathed one another's souls.

We stayed on the balcony until sunset, where Bella had summoned some cushions, blankets and pillows and organised them in an organised mess, just like her hair. We both crashed down onto the them, giggling and cuddling, her inner child-like self showing.

We both relaxed after a bit and stared into one another's eyes, admiring each other. The sun fell even further below the horizon and orange and red and pink filled the skies. The colours had shone on her face, making the moment beautiful as we loved each other in silence, the only sound to be heard was the whistling of leaved in the trees and the occasional tweet of a bird.

The wind grew slightly stronger as Bella sorted out the blanket before pulling it over us and cuddling my freezing body, of which my nose, cheeks and toes felt like ice.

"Darling you're freezing." She said, her brows furrowing slightly.

"Bella how can I be cold when I'm next to the hottest thing to exist-" She didn't let me carry on as her hand grabbed my mouth, her body slamming against mine with her knee jammed inbetween my legs against my crotch.

I smirked at her "What is it Bella?" I talked innocently "Am I turning you on?"

To this, she nor replied with her mouth or her body. She relaxed and contained herself, shifting slightly off of me and sitting up next to me. I followed her gestures and sat up myself, leaning my head on her shoulder as her arm found my waist- pulling me closer to her by it. Her head relaxed on top of mine and she hugged me tightly while gently placing a kiss on my head, both of us admiring the sunset ahead of our eyes. We sat comfortably and silently in each others presence, just happy to be with each other in that moment.


I woke up in a cold aroma, the crisp air brushing against my skin, making my nose cold and runny. I felt my body tug towards a warm body laying next to me with its arms wrapped around my cold one.

"Mhm Bella?" I croaked out, my eyes still closed.

"Let's get you inside darling- you're as cold as anything." She whispered back to me.

"Mhm" I replied without acknowledging anything, my head between reality and dreams.

"Come on then." She said as I felt my body being picked up and carried like a baby.

I fluttered my eyes open to see where we were to find her taking me through the halls. I tightened my arms around her neck as my skin shivered with goosebumps at the low temperature. To this, she held me closer and more compact to her "It'll be okay darling, you'll soon be in a nice and warm bed" she smiled at me and I whispered very softly back to her "Thank you Bella, for everything."

A Mental Beauty {Bellatrix x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now