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Harry smiled at the pictures that Colin took of (Y/N) this week. He was currently in his dorm room and no one was around since they were busy chatting with Fred and George Weasley, the fun outgoing twins of the Gryffindor house, in the common room.

Scanning the pictures, Harry couldn't help but admire Colin's talent for taking pictures this well. He probably wouldn't be able to take pictures of (Y/N) without the camera shaking.

It was easy to convince the young boy to take pictures of her, especially since he idolized Harry. The black haired boy wouldn't be suspected if he told Colin that he just wants to surprise (Y/N) with these pictures on her birthday.

Terrible lie, but Colin bought it anyway. It's not like he'll tell (Y/N) about it anyway since Harry specifically told him to not get caught or tell her about it.

He took advantage of Colin's naivety, but it's not like he cares about that.

Smiling, Harry looked at every pictures and thought about how adorable (Y/N) was when she was all by herself. The way she tucked her hair behind her ear, the way she smiled while talking to her Hufflepuff peers, and the way she walked through the halls of the castle with her mind somewhere else.

From her messy nine-year old appearance, (Y/N) sure grew up to be a clean and a somewhat elegant teenage girl. She grew prettier, and Harry knew she would - she was easily the prettiest girl in Hogwarts in his eyes.

However, his smile disappeared when he thought about how no one really approached (Y/N) because she was too messy and boy-ish as a child. Now that she grew up beautiful, wouldn't that mean that boys will come flocking to her soon enough?

Wouldn't that mean that (Y/N) will soon be in a relationship?

Harry could feel himself trembling in anger when he thought about a random boy giving (Y/N) kisses and cuddling with her by the fireplace. Eventually, even she would start to forget about Harry and put all of her attention on that bastard instead.

He absolutely couldn't let that happen.

As the door to his room creaked open, Harry immediately tucked the pictures inside a random book. The one who entered was Ron, who stopped in his tracks when he saw how Harry looked like he was in a rush to hide something.

"What's that?" asked Ron as he gazed at the book on Harry's lap.

"Nothing." replied Harry, who gently tucked the book inside his bag. Ron didn't look convinced but didn't want to pry any further since it does look private. The red-haired boy hummed and walked towards his bed.

"Hey, do you wanna go eat in the Great Hall together?" asked Ron.

"Err..." Harry hesitated. He wasn't in the mood to hang out with Ron. In fact, he was about to leave and check to see if (Y/N) was still in that bloody hospital wing with Cedric. Every students were free tomorrow since it was Saturday, maybe he could even ask her to go to the Gryffindor common room tomorrow.

"Sorry, I'm kinda busy right now." answered Harry as he stood up from his four-poster bed. Ron frowned and understood why he was 'busy' for the rest of the week. Merlin, he hasn't even been talking much to him and Hermione since classes started.

Ron always observed how Harry would often look at (Y/N) from the Gryffindor table and not even pay attention to him and Hermione when they're talking. He would always looks like he's in a rush to get somewhere, and Harry doesn't want to disclose why, even though Hermione kept pestering him about it.

He found it creepy, to say the least. It's only been a week since classes started and Harry's already acting odd. Ron couldn't think that it's just him missing his childhood friend anymore if he's that obsessed.

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