"What happened last time?" Jeremy asked confused. After Ricky fought him he was left with a black eye, a few scratches, and a few bruises so he hadn't shown his face anywhere for a while out of embarrassment.

"Let's say I did some embarrassing things in front of everyone" Nini laughed "I'm happy you made it."

"Yeah me too" he smiled "uh where are the drinks?" He asked

"Right over there" Nini pointed with a smile and he nodded heading over to the drinks

"Nini can we talk somewhere private?" Ricky walked over to the girl and asked

"Uh sure, let's go into one of the rooms" she said placing her can of fruit punch down on the counter and leading the boy to an empty room "what's up Ricky?"

"Do you—do you uh like Jeremy? I saw you two talking and I—"

"Ricky me and Jeremy are just friends you have nothing to worry about" Nini said and Ricky let out a slight breath of relief "but, that doesn't mean I'm not interested in someone else" Nini said honestly and Ricky shifted uncomfortably.

A uncomfortable silence fell between the two both of them not knowing what to say to the other. The tension could be cut with a knife

"Is that it?" Nini asked and Ricky looked at her not saying anything. He didn't want her to leave but he also didn't know what else to say "I'll uh I'll see you later?" She asked and he nodded.

Just as she was about to leave Ricky grabbed her arm turning her back around to face him. He placed his hands on each side of her face holding her face dangerously close to his.

"I want you Nini" Ricky said gazing his big brown eyes directly into hers. She could feel his breath sending an instant tingling sensation through her body.

Her heart was pounding as it always was when she was this close to Ricky. She couldn't deny her feelings for the boy, and the fact that she loved when he did things like this to her.

"Ricky I-"

"If you don't want to be with me as much as I want to be with you,then tell me to stop." Ricky said. His breathing was heavy and so was ninis but their breathing was somehow in sync. Both of them were stuck in each other's eyes.

Ricky waited a few moments for any indication that Nini wanted him to stop. When he didn't see any he began to lean in, their lips lightly brushing against each other when he whispered to her.

"This is your last chance, if you don't want me, stop me" Nini's breath haltered. She didn't want Ricky to stop at all. She was tired of being mad at him. He'd shown to her how sorry she was

"Richard Bowen if you don't kiss me right now I'm gonna—" she started but was cut off by Ricky whispering something else

"You're not even the slightest bit drunk are you Nini? Because if you are I can't—"

"Nope, haven't had anything but fruit punch and water" Nini said not wanting to wait anymore

Ricky smiled placing his lips on top of hers. At the feeling of this she instantly began to kiss the boy back.

At that moment she knew that there was no getting over him. She was already in too deep and he was too.

Nini's heart seemed to have exploded and Ricky slightly smiled against her lips knowing that he was finally doing this with her, the right way. He was all in if she was

Their lips moved in sync and the two simply couldn't be happier. This kiss was filled with passion, love, and want. Everything both of them had imagined it to be.

The kiss quickly began to heat up as both of them didn't want the moment to end


The party was still going on outside but the two didn't care. Nini's head laid on Ricky's chest as he rested his hand on her shoulder as he rubbed circles into it . They cuddled into each other enjoying being in each other's company.

"Ricky" Nini said shifting to look the boy into his eyes

"Hmm" he hummed looking down at the girl

"If we do this, if we become an us, it has to be a secret. Gina can't find out. I cant lose my best friend"

"Okay that's fine" he said

"And you can't hurt me Ricky. I mean that. If I give you my heart I expect for you to protect it"

"I never intended to hurt you Nini. I promise that I won't" he said completely honestly

"Okay then" Nini said as she leaned up to press a kiss on the boy's lips before taking back her previous position onto his chest

AHHHHH FINALLYYYY. I hate slowburns y'all lol sorry I put y'all through this semi slowburn. But yes they're finally together! I have a plan of what ima do with Andrew but that's a secret for now hehehe. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and tysm for readingggg

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