Chapter 2

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"yeah hold on a bit more for me" I said "i'm about to -" and I heard my phone ring "who could be calling me right now?" I thought confused and grabbed my phone with my one hand while I continued to use my fingers "agent Gilmore, how can I help you?" I said "is that really how you greet you mother?" I heard "mom?" I said shocked and sat up straight and Emily sighed and I saw the sheets get wet "how could you not tell me that you're in the area?" she said and I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my hands "I'm here on a case, It's not like I can just leave my team and come round for a meal" I said and sat down to pee "I'm your mother who you haven't seen since you were a teenager, you could've made time to see me" she said and I sighed and got up and washed my hands with the barsoap "mom I really couldn't, this evening has been the first evening in days that I haven't had to work" I said and lay on the bed next to Emily and she started nibbling my neck "well tomorrow you're coming over for dinner at six o'clock" she said "but my team needs me" I tried to argue with her and felt Emily start to suck on my neck as I tried to bite down on my lip to try stop a moan "so invite them over also" she said and I started to cough and sat up straight and Emily looked at me confused "I'll take that as a yes. bye charlise" she said and I lay down shocked "what's going on?" Emily asked as she lay over me "my mom wants us to all to go over to her house tomorrow night for dinner" I said feeling like I was about to cry "whats so bad about that?" she asked "my mother wants us all to go over got dinner" I said "so?" she asked "it won't be too bad, will it?" she asked and I gklared at her and she started removing my shirt and suckled my boob.

after we were done I took out my phone and called my sister "Lorelai?" I said "Charlie?" she said surprised "sup bitch, listen I need your help" I said "wow you sound very different than you did when you were younger" she said "yeah, anyway, I need you to help me get out of dinner with mom" I said "you're in the area?" she said "yeah and one of her friends snitched on me" I said annoyed "yeah listen theres no getting out of this but I wish you the best of luck. just remember remember to accept a margarita" she said "ugh bye" I said and continued to spoon with Emily.

the next day we were sitting round the table discussing the unsub "well he's only targeting very wealthy people and he's angry at the parents. so maybe he's the son of someone wealthy from the area and is trying to get revenge for how he was mistreated in his childhood?" spencer said and I dialed pen's number "hey momma" I said "my favourite young person, what do you need?" she asked "pull up a list of people around twenty five to fourty who grew up mega rich in Hartford who left when they were young who got arrested or showed aggression growing up" I said "wow very specific, anyone you got issues with? an ex maybe?" she asked "find anything?" I asked "yeah sending it to your screens now" she said "I love you, bye" I said and hung up and pulled out my tablet and we looked through the names "benny Albrecht" I said surprised "you know him?" derek asked "yeah, he was with me at school, he was always getting suspended for beating up the other students and then ran away when he was eighteen" I said "he's our guy" rossi said and morgan called pen "hey babygirl can you get me the location of benny albecht?" he asked "the location of his phone is at the corner of green and western" she said "thank you" he said and we ran to the vehicles and drove to where he was "there he is" I pointed it out and we ran towards him "benny" I said "Gilmore? you still living with your parents?" he asked "nah left when I was fifteen what about you?" I asked "yeah same" he said trying to sound casual "do you mind coming with me so we can ask you a few questions?" I said and he started running the other way "great we've got a runner" I said while chasing after him with derek and hotch behind me, eventually hotch caught him and cuffed him and we brought him to the suv. on the way back to the station a I casually mentioned the phone call last night "by the way, my mother wants us to all go over to her house for dinner tonight so we'll have to wait to go to quantico 'till afterwards" I said "Emily?" benny said "yeah" I said with a groan "oh dude good luck with that" the suspect said "aren't you supposed to be quiet on the way to the station?" JJ asked "nah, been arrested loads of times I know the deal, don't say anything to incriminate me but small talk with the officers is fine so I can speak to Gilmore no problem" he said "it's doctor Gilmore" I said annoyed "wow dude you actually fulfilled your nerdy dreams?" he said "yeah, believe it or not that despite your threats to beat me up if I didn't do your homework I actually managed to achieve something unlike you" I said "I did achieve stuff" he said "like what? become a has been?" I said "i'm actually still very relavent, did you not see all the headlines I made with the killings?" he said "huh got you" I said with a smirk "ah shit, you always were smarter than me Gilmore" he said "anyone got a recording of the confession?" I said "I did" spencer said sounding embarrassed "wow mr. no technology i'm impressed" derek said and we finally arrived at the station and Emily and rossi took him to the interrogation room "so he's pridefull huh" hotch said "yeah" I said "so dinner with your parents huh?" he said "yeah i'm sorry" I said "anything I should know before we arrive?" he asked "I don't think so? oh don't tell them that i'm gay" I said "got it" he said and I smiled gratefully and we went in to interview the suspect "so tell me, how was your life growing up?" I asked "what does this have to do with anything?" he asked "just answer the question" I said "what if I don't say anyting and then you don't have to go to see your mother" he suggested smugly and I raised an eyebrow "dude no offence but i'd rather spend the time at home with my girlfriend" I said "oh shit you're gay?" he said "no I just like pussy" I said "so why did you kill those women?" hotch asked "ok let me tell you what it was like growing up with wealthy parents. my mother was always worried about our appearances and what mary from next door thought and not what we needed so she always just left us with the nanny. and dad? dad was just totally absent, didn't give a fuck about me, always working or with his mistresses or a hooker" he said "and that's why you killed all those people?" I said "yes!" he said angry "those children shouldn't have to go through the same thing I went through" "and listening to their mothers being tortured is a better childhood?" I said trying not to get too annoyed at this guys thinking "oh please they'd be traumatized anyway in a few years" he said "and what about the other bodies?" hotch aksed "oh yeah those, I burned them" he said without batting an eyelash "were they alive or dead when you burned them?" I asked half not wanting to know "oh they were obviously they were alive" the killer said and I nodded "that's all we need to know" hotch said and we got up and left the room "if that's not a psycopath than I don't know who is" I said and went to sit down by the table and put my head down on the table "god I'm done" I muttered and closed my eyes "hey you ok?" rossi asked "i'm done, I can't anymore" I said "I know, it's tough" he said and sat down next to me "but it will be ok" he said "I know, this case is just making my brain hurt" I said and then got up "excuse me" I said and went to the toilet and closed the door "FUCK!!!" I said and splashed my face with water and then walked out the bathroom and sat down next to rossi "what were you saying?" I asked with fake cheeriness and he handed me a paper cup with coffee "thanks, god I wish I was still allowed to drink" I said and took a sip.

btw charlise is neurodivergant and has anxiety. anyone who says otherwise can argue with the wall!!!

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