The Avengers- Girl Scouts

Start from the beginning

You chuckled as he lifted your bags and immediately set off for your room, you in tow. You two rounded the corner and he immediately started talking. "Sooooo? What happened on the mission?"
"I completed it, Ward's dead and I could come home, so I did."
"But there had to be some drama. Did you get to use your powers?"
"Well, I had to. It always reminds me of Lincoln, though. Stupid electrokenisis, why couldn't it be water or something?"

You two stopped outside your door as you pulled out your keycard tucked in your waistband, unlocking the door to your room. Scott put your bags down on the chair before he sat on your bed, cross legged and resting is elbows on his knees. You chuckled and sat in front of him. "I'm sorry about Lincoln, he was a good kid."
"He was, we all miss him."
"Did you talk to Daisy? How's she?"
"She's... good, I think. I talked to her after the mission was complete."
"Her powers?"
"She's progressing nicely with her abilities. She's kinda scary honestly."
"That's good to hear. Not the scary part, but at least she's getting comfortable with them. I miss her."
"She misses you too."

You and Scott knew about the other team, the team that not even the Avengers knew about. The team that deals with alien parasites trying to turn the remaining population into disgusting alien baby things, the team that dealt with stone that turned to liquid and moved them to another planet. Hell, you were on the team before the Avengers scooped you, courtesy of one Nicholas J. Fury, but you still talked with them regularly. "Anything new with the crew?"
"As a matter of fact, yes. Take a guess."
"Fitz. And. Simmons."
"Yeah. About 3 months ago."
"I always knew there was something there!"
"I know! I'm so happy for them. Oh, and there's this new doctor guy or whatever, Daniel Radcliffe. He gives off weird vibes, but I think it's just me being overprotective of them."
"You can never be too cautious."
"Yeah, but he has this weird thing with androids, it's like he wants to start a robot uprising."
"Uhhh, creepy! Remember what happened with Ultron?"

You chuckled as Scott made a face. He was one of the best people at the compound, and you felt you could tell him anything. He was the first one to know about your little thing for Wanda and damn, was he a great wingman. He helped you two get together and has been your number one fan ever since. "So, wanna watch a movie? I need to relax."
"Yeah, for sure. What do you want to watch?"
"Hmmmm... Princess Bride?"
"Of course, is that even a question?"

Scott grabbed the remote to your TV off of your bedside table and tossed it to you. You laughed and flicked on the TV, scrolling over to Netflix and searching for The Princess Bride. You found it and settled into the pillows next to Scott, pressing 'play' on the remote.

•••Time Skip•••

You finished the movie and headed downstairs with Scott. Wanda was waiting for you in the living room, she knew you needed time with your best friend before anything else and she respected that, if her brother was still here she'd do the same with him.

You rounded the corner and Scott stopped, patting his back pocket. You turned and frowned at him, raising an eyebrow. He was looking for something. "What's up?"
"I need my wallet."
"May I ask why..?"
"Look out the West courtyard."

You chuckled nervously and went towards one of the windows facing the courtyard, drawing back the curtain hesitantly. You glanced back at Scott before looking out the window, and once you did, you immediately started laughing. Set up outside, just past the fence separating the compound from the street, was a Girl Scout cookie booth. You squinted a little and started laughing even more, noticing Steve and Tony standing in line, placing their orders. "You're kidding, Girl Scout Cookies? Tony didn't even say hello because he wanted to go get cookies?"
"Yeah, not cool on his part. They set up there a couple months ago. Figured we were easy to bait."
"Well clearly you are."

You pointed and kept laughing as Clint joined the queue, pulling out his wallet. You smiled and Scott ran back to the rooms, presumably to grab his wallet. You chuckled as he moved out of sight and you headed towards the living room, catching that familiar flash of red hair. Wanda.

You smiled and ran towards her, legs pumping and arms swinging. You finally collided with her, wrapping your arms around her waist and she yelped in surprise. She twisted and faced you, a surprised look on her face. "Y/N! Don't do that to me!"
"Come on, I had to! You always make it so easy for me."
"It's a good thing I love you."

You nuzzled your face into her neck and she hummed contently, stroking your hair. You stood there for what felt like forever before finally breaking yourselves apart. She was just shorter than you, about 5'6", but you always teased her about it. She placed her hands on your arms and slightly tilted her head up. "I missed you."
"I missed you more, my love."
"I doubt that."

You chuckled and you pressed your lips against hers, smiling. You broke apart and grabbed her hand, heading towards the couch in the main living area. You both sat down and she laid her head across your lap as you stroked her hair. You sat together talking about your mission before asking the question burning in the back of your mind. "So, the Girl Scouts?"
"Oh you noticed that, did you?"
"Of course I did, it's quiet. That means Tony's outside."
"Let me guess, Thin Mints?"

You said the last part in unison and chuckled. She rolled over and looked up at you, laughing at your expression. You'd raised an eyebrow, as if asking her to continue, but from her angle it probably looked very strange. "They set up there about a month ago, the boys are such push overs when it comes to their cookies, but you knew that."
"Yes, they looovvveee their cookies. Don't every try taking them from the pantry unless you have a death wish or something."
"I learned that the hard way."
"Steve and his Chocolate?"
"Always his Chocolate."
"Wanna go get some for ourselves so we don't have to steal from them and potentially get killed over it?"
"I'll grab my wallet."

She sat up, but instead of getting off the couch, she outstretched her hand. You watched as her power trickled out and stretched across the compound until a few moments later, her wallet landed in her hand. You shook your head, smiling at her. "That never ceases to amaze me."
"Says you, you can literally put the world into a state of darkness with a flick of your wrist."
"Being a human light switch isn't as cool as being able to do what you can."

She chuckled and you stood, taking her hand and heading out of the West exit towards the cookie stand. You walked across the courtyard, hand in hand towards the gate. As you got closer, it automatically opened and revealed the boys, now including Clint and Bruce. You laughed as you saw Tony rifling through his wallet, eventually giving up and just handing the girls manning the stand $100. "At this point that may be how much it's worth." He mumbled under his breath.
"Didn't even say hello, just had to get your cookies first."
"Y/N! Hi. I uh, I can explain."
"No you can't."
"No I can't. I can try, though."
"Dude I watched an entire movie before you said hello to me."
"Well I got my Thin Mints, then I realized everyone in the compound loves Thin Mints and always eats them on me, so I got more boxes. Then I remembered that you were coming home and didn't like mint so I spent a lot of time trying to think about what you liked and now I'm here again, but this time for you."
"I feel like that's a lie."

You chuckled at Wanda and Tony handed the girls the bill as they giggled excitedly. He smiled and gave you a hug, you forgot how tight his hugs were. "Breathing would be great."
"Not yet."
"Mkay, Wanda?"
"Yes, my love."

She smiled and threw Tony off you to the side, the girls gasping in awe behind him. At least he was thinking of you now, getting you your favourite Chocolate Cookies.

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