Chapter 1: Vanessa

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"Ness." a male, the age of twenty years old said, snapping me out of old memories. I glanced up silently to find myself face to face with the bright blue eyes of Aaron, my teammate. He was about 5'11 with slight stubble on his chin. None of us had left this room. It was the final test, out of the sixty people crammed in here, only half would pass. "Pay attention or you'll fail." Aaron warned, but I rolled my eyes and stopped paying attention, again.

The object of this part of the test was to create a plan to track down and kill a target you knew nothing about. Sound easy? It was, for me and my team. We had an advantage no one else here had; training by the councilman himself.

"It's not that hard, Nimrod." I said, after he continuously pestered me. "Look at the picture," I said pulling it up. It was of a random man, late twenties, maybe 5'9.5, buzz cut, covered in tattoos, gauges, you name it. "See that mark there? That's a scar. Scars are weak points. See how he's holding himself? He's trying to protect his left side inconspicuously." I stated blankly.

Realization blew up in his eyes. "Right! We could-"

"Walk up, pretend like we're lost, ask if he can show us the way, attack when he's alone." Zac, the third and final member of the team interrupted.

"That wouldn't work." Aaron corrected, not bothering to snap at the blonde haired, green eyed nineteen year old for cutting him off. "Who would actually show people the way? He'd probably just tell us directions."

"Right, so how do you get him alone?" Zac asked, before the same thought as always came to all of our minds.

"Vanessa." they said in unison.

"Right, so I act like a whore to get him off guard?" I asked, not exactly happy about their usual plan. "He's got a ring." I sneered at them. I honestly just think they like watching me in the whore clothes.

"Damn." Aaron said, leaning back, folding his hands on top of his stomach. Sometimes, his black hair and blue eyes reminded me of Blaze, but Blaze's eyes were a lot lighter.

Damn, I really need to stop thinking about him.

"I say, follow him until he's alone, then take him out." Zac shrugged.

"That could take way too long," I countered.

"I got it! Look, he's wearing a cross. We follow him home, and dress up like priests, then have him let us in, and get him alone." Zac stated happily.

"When he's alone, surprise him from the left," Aaron joined in.

"Then use his own knife to take him down. We'll use gloves, and make it look like a suicide. Aaron'd yell for help," I added.

"And I'd try reviving him while we wait for the ambulence." Zac finished my thoughts.

"When we're questioned, he spoke to us alone, about serious problems he was having. He stabbed himself before we knew what was going on." Aaron crossed his arms in a final type way. "Check mate, fake rogue." he laughed.

There was a camera on the table, recording our plan of action. Now that it's been said outloud, the camera caught it, and we've finished the test. All eight parts. The red light on the camera stopped, and one of the administrators dismissed us. We stretched, and left.

I had no doubts that we'd make it through, considering we got done first, and were rather thorough with it. We were excellent slayers, with awesome track records. Plus, we had training from the best of the best, so there really wasn't any need to not pick us. Cheating or not, all three of us were an obvious pick.

"Name?" the guy at the door asked, in order to let us leave. I'm not sure why they do it, though.

"Zac Evans."

"Aaron Ramsey."

"Vanessa Adams." That's me, the just recently found daughter of Nicholas Adams. They thought I was killed by a group of Rake when I was three years old, but I escaped and ended up in the normie world. I dyed my hair red as an example of the blood shed around me.

Or so everyone thought.

It was actually just a cover story. I'm not Vanessa. I never was Vanessa. Vanessa actually was dead, Nick made sure. He'd did everything he could to find her. But then I came along two years ago. An excellent tracker, wonderful background, and training history. Perfect for the job of an Eliminator, right? Right.

But, the catch is, I left my brother, best friend, and the only man I've ever really loved behind. There were several reasons why. Like, they didn't need me, I was becoming too weak, etc. So Nick made me an offer, and I accepted, taking on the identity of his daughter, and no one questioned it.

Out of the fear someone might recognize my true identity, Nick helped me change my appearence a bit. Two years ago, I had wavy, forever tangled, dyed strawberry red hair, and almond brown eyes. Today, my teeth were straighter, whiter. My hair was more of a blood red, rather strawberry. I wore colored eye contacts, so my naturally brown eyes were now a stormy blue that matched my 'father's. Just to be on the safe side, we had a plastic surgeon help out a bit. My nose was smaller, no longer bulky like it was, and my chin was more of a heart shape, instead of the circlish one it used to be. Safe to say, I look completely different, with, thank god, no Botox necessary. Just a little carving.

I could walk up to my older brother, and he wouldn't recognize me. I was too different now. I wasn't me anymore, I was Vanessa Adams. I wasn't Persephone Jaeger anymore.



Okay, so, Pixie's going away for a few days, and as an apology, I'm posting chapter 1 to make up for the wait for other updates. Thanks for being so patient!


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