Chapter 1

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The Marauders expect Remus in the beginning of their next year began to prank Snape in an undeniably malicious way.

The Marauders found his reactions funny but fortunately for Snape and unfortunately for them, Lily Evans, his best friend and James' all time crush, did not find this little joke of the Marauders funny at all and would often kick the living shit out of the fellow especially if it was the Potter who dared hurt her best friend, making him remember his good for nothing deadbeat abusive father.

However, Lily could only do so much being female and a Gryffindor. They would corner the poor child when they knew that Lily was not around.

When Severus had complained to his teachers about the Marauders and their pranks, they would always pick up for the stupid Gryffindor kids except Minerva she would punish them but they would try to make themselves look better in front of her to lower the punishment which was often detention or points removed from their house.

Finding no one else to help or even listen to him, he disappeared into the Forbidden Forest hoping that one of the beast in the forest might end this misery.

Albus grew anxious, one of his beloved students was missing.

The students and faculty at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had searched the Castle even Filch and Mrs. Norris had given the forbidden third floor a thorough inspection.

Severus was truly gone.

Minerva was angry at him, he knew that he deserved her rage.

If he had believed the boy over the others, this would not of happen.

Lily Evans, Snape's best friend, was sitting outside his office waiting for news on him.

She was worried sick.

Lily was there with them since Snape disappeared earlier well after he, Albus Dumbledore, found her trying to strangle James Potter and Sirius Black.

He supposed that the boy had it coming.

"What do we do now, Headmaster?" Minerva said to Dumbledore.

"It's nighttime and the boy is probably out there, hiding somewhere." She continued, she was very disappointed.

Minerva knew about those kids harassing the boy but to this level. Those were not children, they were monsters. Taking advantage of someone's hard unfortunate situation for a laugh is beyond inhumane even if they did not know about it. She knows Remus is a smart boy and he certainly knows that there's a reason to why Snape reacts that way but it seems to her that the crew do not listen to him considering the full moon prank that Sirius pulled a while back.

That young boy was out there because he couldn't take it any more. This school was supposed to make them feel safe but instead a student felt so shamed that they prefer to go into a forest that was filled to the brim with dangerous creatures then to stay in the school compound.

"I know," the old wizard sighed, he too wad disappointed but not with the boys but rather with himself.

"Now, Minerva, let's go round up a suitable search party. "

"Of course, if that kid is hurt in any way. I'm going to take so much points off of Gryffindor that they'll never win til the end of the 21 century." Minerva growled at the Headmaster.

"Minerva, that will not be needed."

"Why not." She hissed.

"Because if he is hurt in any way at all, that's means I have failed as a headmaster and therefore I am a horrible headmaster. I'll punish those four when I get back, Severus' safety comes first and please make sure that Miss Evans is okay before you leave ." Albus stated.

Snape was unique and he was actually one of his favorite kids in Slytherin.

Of course, he had favorites.

Sue him.

The boy was just brilliant but Snape himself was quite the little devil when he was ready.

But that's not the case today and now he needs to find a very special kid.

Minerva looked at Lily.

She was not bruised, it's like she was not even in the fight with Potter. She supposed that if Lily had not told them that it was the fault of Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, they would have no idea to why a student like Severus would suddenly just run into the Forbidden Forest.

She hoped that for the boy's sake that the creatures were away tonight.

Severus had stumbled on for another hour into the Forbidden Forest.

The forest was so dark and lonely.

He supposed that it suited him but he would like it if one of these dangerous beast would come and put him out of his misery.

But Lily.

She would miss him but she'll move on eventually. No one actually cares about him, he knows this.

However, he failed to notice the figure following him. She was attracted to him by his sorrow and decided that she has to protect him from the creatures of the forest.

"He's most likely one of Albus' pup." She thought.

"He's injured. I can smell his blood. He's not going to make it very far. Dumbledore, I pray that this kid shall not be harmed in my presence. " She said to herself as she walked closer to the child, slowly and quietly to not scare him off.

The friendly centaur hybrid looked at the boy as he fled deeper into the Forbidden Forest. She would prefer to see Mr.Dumbledore find his lost kit alive instead of a corpse.

Severus felt warmth surrounding his body if this was death it wasn’t so bad sure it was dark.

At least it was warm he could also smell something herbal in the air lavender and sage mixed in he felt relaxed and almost peaceful.

He felt consciousness leaving his body, he would warm gentle hand.

The hybrid sighed, she knew that the boy was not going to make it so she'll care for him til Albus comes to receive the lost kit.

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