Chapter eighteen: Regret

Start from the beginning

The king re-read the definition over and over again, "Regret? Bitterly regret? No, that's not it." He lied as he put his hand on his forehead, "Look over that fucking dictionary again, find something right!" He yelled at the sixteen-year-old.

"Sure, dumb bitch." Mai started going through the pages of the dictionary, the sound of the pages were breaking the silence between the two, "Lament; express regret or disappointment about something—"

The king stood up and banged his desk, "Oh, for fuck's sake! All of the things you got me from the dictionary was regret or something like it!" He yelled before sitting back in his chair.

Mai sighed, "Well, from the things you told me and the things I read from the dictionary, they seem to be correlated!" Mai yelled back, aggressively closing the dictionary shut.

The king couldn't take it anymore with Mai's 'bullshit', "Just—get out!" He yelled, pointing at the door.

"Fine," Mai made her way to the door and pulled it open, "Figure it out by yourself then!" With that, the door shut, leaving the king in his office, alone.


Two more months passed, and the doubtful thoughts still didn't leave the king alone. His gut started to agree with Mai about him regretting his decision, "No, I wanted those two motherfuckers gone, I'm not letting my gut change that!"

"Although, I think you should." A familiar girl voice said, startling the king. He looked up and saw Mai leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed, "Didn't mean to startle you but I think you should let your gut change your decision."

"How long have you been standing there for?" He asked, a mix of worry and anger in his voice.

"A few seconds ago." She answered, picking on her nails, "You should really change your mind."

"And why is that?" He asked, crossing his arm while leaning back in his chair.

Mai groaned and ran to the window, "Have you seen what's going on outside?!" She said, pulling the curtain aside, revealing the kingdom. The clouds were back and they almost covered the entire kingdom with darkness, except for a small part above the town square that wasn't covered; it was the only place in the kingdom with a source of sunlight, "Because you made Sapnap leave, all the happiness and sunlight slowly drained except for the town square —which I think is going to be dark eventually— is the only part in the kingdom that still has sunlight, it was where Sapnap stood when he first came here."

The king stood up and slowly went over to the window. He stood there in shock when he saw the dark abyss again, "What happened here..?" He said as he looked over the kingdom which was now, —almost— a dark abyss.

"I told what happened a few seconds ago," Mai answered, letting go of the curtain, "You need to change your mind."

"Never!" He shouted as he made his way to his chair and desk to sign the stacks of paper. Mai sighed out of disappointment and quickly left the room.


It's been a week since the last interaction with the king and Mai. The king wouldn't do any paperwork, instead he would look over Kinoko, knowing all of this was his fault and he felt the weight of the guilt and regret get heavier as the minutes went by. 

The king was looking out his window, sighing at the sight. He knew he was in the wrong and he decided to listen to Mai and his gut. He called Mai to his office a few minutes ago to tell her about the good news he has for her and everyone else for that matter.

He heard the door creak, indicating someone's entry, "It's midnight, have you changed your mind or what?" A girl's voice said, full of curiosity, worry, and tiredness. 

The king let out a sigh of defeat before turning to face the girl at the door and nodded, "Yes, I've changed my mind, Mai." He said with a more calming voice than his monotone one, "I'll order two knights to go and get him."

Mai crossed her arms, "No." She said, sternly, "I'll go get him myself, the knights are all asleep and I don't want to disturb them, I'll go there on a horse, not in a dumb carriage."

The king nodded,"Farewell then, you do have your own horse, right?" He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

Mai nodded, "Yes, now I have to get ready!" She said before running out the door, her footsteps getting fainter and fainter.

A/N: Did anyone cry or tear up when Sapnap hugged Karl in the 'Karaoke: The Last Karlnap Stream'? No? Just me? Ok

Word count: 1441

Edited: ☑️

Hope you have a good morning or night!

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