"No. No, you're not listening to me." I say extremely frustrated. I run a hand down my face before continuing. "I'm telling you, Steve Roger is not-" I'm cut off before I can finish.

"Mr Stark, is it true that the Avengers kidnapped a 10 year old?" A random reporter shouts out.

I stare at them with my mouth slightly agape from the shock before I compose myself enough to answer. "N-no, of course not. Why would you even think that?"

They shrug slightly, "All evidence points towards it. This kid kind of just showed up out of nowhere and no one know's who she is." My mouth continues to hang open as I blink rapidly.

"I'll tell you who she is." Cap says from the doorway, scaring every reporter in the room. "That little kid that you're accusing us of kidnapping, she's my daughter." Immediately a buzz fills the room, people start shouting ridiculous accusation but Steve just ignores them all and continues with his speech. "The full story is extremely long so I'm not going to bore you with the details. 9 months ago, a mission in Russia went sideways, causing Romanoff and Barnes to be trapped. A young trainee at the centre they were infiltrating, Lydie, saved them and almost got herself killed in the process. To make a long story short; she survived and now she's here."

Now that he's stopped talking, the reporters go back to screaming out their ridiculous accusations. Truthfully, I'm surprised Cap came back at all. From what I've heard from him and Red, life had been going pretty well for the small family.

Steve walks closer to me and I stand up meeting him away from the microphones, "What happened, Steve?" I ask, confusion dripping from my words.

"The official adoption was finalized. They can't take her away now." I smile at the news, "Also, some other stuff happened." I raise an eyebrow at him silently asking for more details. He gives me a look that explains it all and I smile again.

"Congrats, Cap." Steve smiles back and I pat his arm in support, "I am gonna need the full story tonight." A chuckle escapes his lips and he nods in confirmation before walking out of the room to where I assume the pair of Russian assassins are waiting.

There's an uproar from the crowd when standing just outside the door with 9 year old Lydie Rogers, is Natasha Romanoff sporting a 2.3 carat princess cut diamond ring on a white gold band with smaller diamonds accenting the main stone, and a small baby bump sticking out from her modified Black Widow suit.

Someone from PR walks up to the front of the room to try to get everyones attention while I'm still watching the door. "That concludes the press conference! If you could all please settle down and take your seats you will receive further instructions-" I've already started to the exit, wanting to get away from these people and closer to the ones I actually want to see as soon as possible.

"Nat?" I call when the door closes behind me, the red head turns around and grins when she sees me. I walk up to the three and smirk. "Hey, Lydie! How are you?"

Lydie and I talk for a little bit before Steve sends her up tho the common room, the three of us walk into a random room. The door closes and I turn around with a smirk, Steve and Nat glance at each other nervously before looking back to me.

I walk up to Natasha and pull her in for a hug, she's surprised at first but eventually wraps her arms around me. I hold her by her shoulders and look into her eyes, "So when did that happen?" I ask while wiggling my eyebrows with a smirk.

Nat moves a hand onto her small baby bump as she looks over to Steve, "About 15 weeks ago."

I do a bit of quick math and smirk at Cap, I mouth over to him, 'Nice!' with a thumbs up earning me an eye roll from the super soldier and a smack on the back of the head by the Russian spy.

"We'll tell you everything with everybody else." Natasha says while Steve wraps an arm around her waist and rubs her belly lightly. I nod and leave the room with a glance over my shoulder to the happy couple.

Steve's POV:

Up in the common room everyone automatically runs over to us. Wanda, Pepper, Bucky, Morgan, Sam, Rhodey, Maria, Clint, Thor, Shuri, T'Challa, and Peter all hug Nat, while I get a mixture of hugs, handshakes, and high-fives. Once everyone has settled down and Morgan and Lydie have run off to go play Wii Sports we all sit down on the couch, everybody stares expectantly at us.

"What?" Nat asks beside me, her hands are sitting in her lap so they are perfectly framing the bump that keeps our baby boy safely tucked away.

"Well what have you been doing for the past 3 months?" Wanda asks while her eyes drift down to her bump.

"Working, spending time together-" Nat gets cut off by Tony.

"I bet," He gets several death glares from around the room, Peter gags in disgust, and Pepper swats the back of his head. "What? We were all thinking it!"

I clear my throat to get the attention away from Tony before he says something else stupid. "We haven't done much, tried our best to keep on the down low while living our lives."

Sam speaks up, "Wait, Nat, you said you've been working? How have you...?" He trails off and doesn't finish.

Luckily, Tasha knows exactly what he means. "I've been training recruits from the sides, I worked with Coulson's team for a while, haven't gotten in the ring in 2 months, haven't been on any missions either." This seems to satisfy the crowd as we continue to talk about our lives.

Natasha scoots closer and rests her head on my shoulder as my arm snakes around her waist and hold her protectively against me. I kiss the top of her head as Lydie and Morgan run into the room, Lydie climbs on top of me and falls into my lap. I laugh and everyone joins in when Alpine jumps right on top of Lydie and curls up, not allowing Lydie to move until the cat does. Glancing around the room I can't help but think this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

The End


Next part is the epilogue cause I want one:)

I'm really happy with how this book turned out and I hope you guys feel the same, I know there's been a lot of really big time skips in the past couple parts but I feel like it worked with this.

Anybody have any ideas for a Lydie based book set when she's a teen or something? It'd still be Romanogers but it'd be more of a background thing and focused more on Lydie.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this and that you have an amazing day


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