"Alright I quit," he laughed, pulling into his driveway.

Why didn't he take me home?

"Why are we here?"

"Damn, what's so bad about my house?" he mugged.

"I'm just saying I thought you would take me home."

"Nah, I like spending time with you. You cool folks," he smiled.

We got out the car when somebody pulled up in the driveway behind us. Missharon got out the car and walked over to us. She looked like she had been crying.

"Why is she here?" she asked Jordan referring to me.

"Stop being mean and shit. Why you look like you been crying?" he asked her.

"I told Von," she said softly.


"And what did he say?" Jordan asked.

"Nothing, he just kicked me out. I need somewhere to stay," she continued.

Come on Dani, put two and two together. They're fucking around...

"You know you can stay here," Jordan smiled, pulling her into a hug.

They just doing all this like I'm not here huh?

"Wait, you told him that you wanted to be with me? Like, you said my name?" Jordan asked again.

"Yeah," she mumbled.

"Why would you do that?" Jordan screamed.

"He was going to find out eventually anyways," Asian said back.

"So what? That's still my homie and shit. Do you not realize that I broke the bro code by messing with you?" Jordan said.

Another car pulled up and this time Von hopped out. With a gun in his hand.

Oh shit...

He didn't do any talking. He walked straight up to Jordan and pistol whipped him.

"So you was fucking my bitch, huh?" Von yelled, hovering over him.

"What's going on out here?" Demi yelled, coming out the house, fixing her bun.

When did she get here?

Joshua came out behind her with no shirt on and his pants unbuttoned, which made them sag more than usual.

The girl just doesn't learn...

"Von get off of him," Asian said trying to push him off.

Von didn't budge and he sent blows to Jordan's face and body.

I'm not even supposed to be here...

"That's enough," Demi yelled, trying to help Asian move Von.

You know what I did to help?

Minded my business...

Everybody got quiet when a gunshot went off.

We looked up to see Joshua holding a gun and Von holding the right side of the stomach.

"Why would you do that, Joshua?" Demi screamed.

Everybody is just screaming and fighting. How ghetto...

"Fuck that, leave that nigga and get in the house," Jordan said getting off the ground.

He had a black eye and a busted lip. Who talks shit after they get their ass whooped? Those are not your lines.

"We can't leave him to bleed out," Asian yelled.

Von fell to his knees still holding where he was shot.

Jordan grabbed Asian and pulled her into the house with Demi and Joshua going in with them.

They really left him to bleed to death. Fuck, I gotta help him...

I helped him off the ground and managed to get him into the backseat of his car. He's a heavy little stick bug.

"It's okay, I got you," I whispered to him.

I took off my shirt, leaving me in a sports bra. It's not much there anyways...

I pressed it again his wound making him groan at me.

"What the fuck?" he breathed out.

"I'm sorry. Where is the key?" I asked feeling on his pockets.

"It's a push to start. Hurry up," he uttered.

I hopped in the front seat and headed to the hospital, not following the speed limit.

Even though I don't like him, he doesn't deserve to die. Nobody does.

"We're almost there, just hold on for me," I encouraged.

I turned left and sped down the street until we arrived.

"Alright, come on."

I threw his arm over my shoulder and helped him out of the car. He used me as support and weakly walked inside.

"Can you get him to emergency care? He just got shot about 20 minutes ago," I asked the lady at the desk.

"We're on it sweetie," she responded. She was an older lady with short hair.

Seconds later, some people came out and put Von on a gurney, rolling him to a room.

The old lady handed me some papers to fill out for him but I couldn't really do anything because I know nothing about him besides his name.

"Do you know what room they took him too?" I asked her.

"Most likely 2203 but you probably can't enter right now," she informed me.

I thanked her and found his room sitting in the waiting lobby across from it.

About an hour later, one of the doctors came out of his room.

"Hi, are you Dayvon's girlfriend?" she asked me.

"Noooo," I dragged, "just an associate that happened to be at the right place at the right time."

"Well, they're finishing up surgery but he's fine. I asked him if he had any relatives or anything to call but he said he didn't have any," she continued.

Damn, nobody? I know how that feels...

"Anyways, you'll be able to see him in about another hour," she smiled, walking away.

I guess I'll wait for him...


I'm too tired too out a question. Bye. Love y'all.

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